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"Come here, slut.  We have work to do..."

I hope you guy's enjoy this week's erotic upload, the FxF version of The Executive 2!  Who's ready for mandatory overtime?




Buckle Up

Joshua Frye

This is sooo damn goood 👀👀👀


Humina humina humina humina

C Nguyen


Joshua Frye

When she raises her voice 😍🤤


Any plans to open up more custom video tiers? Or you overloaded as it is?


Ok, question Dangerous and others, if I said this audio was depraved, sinful, wicked, kinky, shameful, messed up, and I loved every minute of it, would that offend anyone? I recently had a communication error with someone else, where they took saying something like that as a grave and demeaning insult, but it isn't intended that way any more than saying "talk dirty" is bad because clean is good and dirty is bad.


I mean, I'd actually enjoy being the collared under desk slave, but somehow using terms like I presented above apparently offends people (at least one) quite a bit. If I'm out of line I want to change. I don't want to offend any human beings, much less my fellow goofballs on this facet of the internet. We are all in this weird shit together, right?

Kiro Yoramoto

I think context matters with such phrasing. Without the proper backing it could be taken negatively. That, or some just value words more so than others. But perhaps I am just too depraved, sinful, wicked, kinky, shameful, and messed up myself to know.


That's reasonable. I apologized to the injured party repeatedly, and attempted to clarify my intent, but both apology and intent were ignored. In written word it is easy to take things wrong. I think honest people allow others to adjust for it (as opposed to racist pieces of shit on the news saying 'i am sorry you got mad about x'. Anyways, I exited that person's realm on the net and they'll never hear from me, but I really hadn't conceived that I'd hurt the feelings of vulnerable weirdos when I made those posts. I AM that vulnerable weirdo, is the thing.


I’m a slut for these audios


I love how demanding you get.❤


Oh wow ^^ i liked this way too much


How could you not be? I know girl on girl is a staple for men, but this audio makes me want a vagina just so I can be a participant. Wowsers.

Fei Xin

God I love how demanding you are in this audio. I had three orgasms while listening to this.


OMG this is too hot. I can't handle 💕💕💕