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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, a sweet and sadistic spider girl roleplay written by the fantastic Khonsu!




Was wondering when you would do a spider girl. Now I have to wait no more

Net Neutrality

Caught by a spider girl? Oh, this could be fun! (Sees “sadistic”) ohhhhhhh nooooooo.....Khonsu, what have you doooooooooone.... Welp, only one way to find out...(presses play) EDIT: Magnificent job, you two. Just the right mix of sweet and sadistic. Baby, what if you’re scared of the same things I am? Like fire?


Concidering how sadistic werewolf was, I am slightly worried to listen 🙁


Sadistic > tsundere


Here’s to hoping khonsu writes a part 2

Joshua Frye

Love your sadistic roleplays 🥰 best birthday present ever!! Thank you dangerous!!


a typical day in Australia

Jeremy Knight

I get really irrational when it comes to any bugs IRL but for some reason I don't mind talking spider girls.


I knew i picked up ice cream and croissants for a reason lmaoo fresh outta work and just in time 👏🏼👏🏼


Hi Danger! Any plans on bringing back the Guardian Angel story? :)

Cursed Alastor

Yay! An arachnid roleplay! I’ve always wanted to ask her but... I’m way too shy to ask for her to make something for me.. 😔


Spiders ? No no fuck them ,fuck there legs , fuck there eyes , fuck there webs , but most importantly fuck you dangerous for making me think about them

Camilo Iribarren

Well, I guess this means I’m all CAUGHT up in a WEB of trouble. Let’s see if you can keep me tied up or if I’m capable of escaping

aj strange

Naw I cant just picturing being caught by a human seized spider person 😖😖😖😖


What a web to be caught in.


Please release a part 2