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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, part 13 of the Jekyll and Hyde series written by none other than the fantastic Todd C!  

It's a nice day for a white wedding...




We have come so far

Todd Carney

Doh, I always cry at weddings!

Net Neutrality

Haven't even listened yet, but I can guess where this will go. Angela will walk down the aisle, but right as we kiss, she'll transform into Lola, the guests will shriek, pandemonium will ensue, blah blah blah, the wedding will end on a sour, chaotic note, the end. Is there really any other way it could end? Of course not. Because it's Lola. She can only destroy, never create.


Alright place your bets, I think you're in the ball park Net but idk

Net Neutrality

0:15 Or she could still be Lola. Of course. Why did I expect anything better. Yes, Lola. Whatever you say, Lola. You're always right. 1:05 God damn it, listener, don't make this any harder than it needs to be. Let it go, and move on. Angela's gone, and "this" is all that's left. This is who you're stuck with. Accept it already and curse your existence, like I have. 2:30 AH HA HA HA HA HA as if you ever had a heart. Lola, feel free to knock whatever sense in him that you need to. Listener, you don't get it. She DOESN'T WANT TO change back. 3:52 Yooooooooooo does that include MY CITY? Are y'all gonna visit ME? I can pinch hit for the listener when he gets tired! 5:35 I can't believe it either, sister. I don't know what you see in this guy. He still doesn't love you. 7:20 Oh my god, I want to give Dangerous a hug. It sounds like she's legitimately distraught! 9:00 Listen to the music, the environment, the setting. I'm waiting. I'm ready. I am prepared for EVERYTHING TO GO TO HELL. DO IT, LOLA. RUIN EVERYTHING. (I've become a worse person because of Lola.) 10:40 Yessssssss.....YESSSSSSSSSSSS.....I never thought I'd be so excited to see a ceremony get CRASHED like this....GO FOR IT, LOLA! 12:50 LOL work. Lola? Doing work? HA! 13:15 He's not ready, BUT I SURE AM. I've completely given up and can't bring myself to object to anything you say or do! 14:00 Crystal clear, babe! (thumbs up) I guess I was wrong about chaos. I underestimated that everyone would be too turned on by Lola to be terrified or make any noise. 14:50 Er.............what is going on? Is this Debbie? God DAMN IT. Lola, you should have killed her when you had the chance. 15:50 Shit........this is going to escalate into a superhero war, isn't it? 18:10 What are all the background noises? 19:20 Todd, at this rate, this series is going to reach a part THIRTY. You're either really ambitious or really crazy.


The voice acting!!! 😩 *chefs kiss* impeccable


Looking forward to the moment our main guy downs a bottle. If that were to ever happen.

Jeremy Knight

I was so excited for this part that I actually had a dream about how this would go down a few days ago. It's nice that Angela was able to come back at least for a little while, Lola is just becoming more and more unlikable so I didn't care that she started crying over making herself change, she's so shallow at this point. I really wasn't expecting Debra to return and her 'hyde; behaves more like the Hulk, it's sucks that she doesn't think much of Angela either so I guess Lola was sadly right. The ending of this part had me thinking... what if Angela can help Debra stop having this cronic pain she's having? it probably won't happen since she took her man off her.


This series is so good, excellent work Todd and Dangerous

Todd Carney

Thanks lrha! I always look to you now for the best puns!

Todd Carney

I know, right?! We gotta get Deb & Angela together for a consultation!

Todd Carney

Thanks! Dangerous always rocks it with total dedication! I'm very proud of her and how this story has been able to grow. And Dangerous has such an awesome community of patrons who are so wonderful with their comments! Thank you!


I will say that's an incredible British accent right there, good job!

Camilo Iribarren

Oh boy.... well this is going to be rather difficult. Lola is going to be a handful without Angela to balance her out


Ohhhh shit, what an ending. Makes me feel bad for the guy (us) though. He just wants Angela back


I've been disappointed with how this series has been going for awhile, the whole dynamic of Hyde and Jekyll is very ugly and that ugliness feels like the point more and more

Todd Carney

That's a good point! When I started writing episodes, the idea was that Hyde would be this very passionate personality who would pounce on the man that Jekyll loved... but I kept pushing it farther for the horror aspect, like a cautionary tale rather like the original Robert Louis Stevenson novella. I figure if you let your dark side out for too long or too often, things get bad. But I also want to see if Hyde could ever redeem herself, if she were forced to consider her actions and tried to be a better person. At the same time, I want the best for Angela, so I'm pulling for her... but she has let the demon out of the box and it's corrupting everyone in the story. I think the next leg of their journey should have ADVENTURE! What do you think?


Season one ended. Onto season two. Todd, if you don’t already write professionally, go do it. Your awesome.

Frosty The Termintor

I’ve listened to a lot of ASMR role play videos and I have to say Dangerous... you’re voice acting is unreal, the way you so casually change emotions with your voice from the frail and awkward Angela to the prideful and lustful Lola and vice versa is impeccable, to me this doesn’t even feel like a role play video it feels like a audio based tv series


Oh wow. This was fantastic!! Slowly catching up but loved all the sfx. And such an amazing job transitioning between the voices. Can't wait to see what happens. Love the suspense at the end and the direction this is going (or, well, went)!