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The secret to the ghouls' design is this: a goat head, dog teeth, Aye-Aye fingers, Polar Bear fur and colouring, and searching for "butchered human meat" (DO NOT DO THIS LAST PART IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH). 

I knew I was on the "big list of questionable internet searches" but now I'm certain I'm at the TOP of that list.




Brilliant, brutal, gruesome. Well done


Hm, why furry ghouls, opposed to the "dessicated dog-man corpse" design from p. 199 HB? Is either of them "canon"?


The classic Lovecraft ghoul is more of less like the desiccated dog-man image, but DG posits the interim states between human and ghouls in a much more pronounced manner than Lovecraft (see GRU-SV8 and other references). Ghoul-dom is not a binary switch when it is brought on by slow consumption of human meat, but a blending from human to more inhuman, and more inhuman still until it reaches full ghouldom. There are methods to near instantly flip the switch of course (the symbol of Mordiggian, for example), but most ghouls were likely once men who began to expand their palate to encompass stranger tastes. This type of transformation takes a long time. As such, interim states exist, and exist for some time. I imaged some of them would be more ape-like, or yeti like, before the rubberiness and thinning down began in ghoul "middle age".


Getting some "Big Trouble in Little China" Orangutan Demon vibes here.