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Here's an image I painted for the possible GREEN BOX Delta Green starter set (based on one of the interlinked scenarios we want to use for it).  

We're still kicking this idea around, since we consistently get a call for it.

We're leaning strongly towards a "Print and PDF boxed set (3 linked scenarios, rules, 6-pre-made Agents, short rules booklets, custom dice, handouts all in a sturdy box)" for about $65.

More info below (and be sure to vote!) 


Please note:

We are far too small a company to chase price points on products or to try to match "competitor" products when those competitors are roughly 100 times our size. Our products end up costing what they cost, and we have very little control over that save what we choose to put in them.

"Widen the print run to thousands" or "get a deal on components" for us (unlike Free League, or WotC or Chaosium) is just never really an option.

So, it's  unlikely we'll ever "match" price with any large publisher. If we chase such things and take a loss, it puts our business at risk — something we have learned over many years that we should NEVER do. So, depending on what's in the set (see the vote above) the price point will be defined from that. Cheers!



Thomas Cunningham

I don't know why, but this is the first monster you've rendered that isn't working for me. Amazing emotion conveyed by the woman character though.


I absolutely love this monster. It's pulpy and psychedelic. Mixed with the nightmarish realism of the agent, the effect is pure Delta Green. Keep up the great work!