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Ohhhh…” I purse my lips around the word as I let it fall from me in excitement. Pressing my hands to the glass, I stare through the shop’s display pane at the rows of boxed toys inside. “Look, Adam!”

Adam halts his marched patrol and turns back to me with a brow raised. “Ah yes. Plastic toys wrapped in plastic boxes.” He shakes his head as he grimaces over the colourful display.

I roll my eyes. “You’re full of sunshine today.” My attention swings back to the window. “But it’s not all the action figures I’m talking about. Look at that one!” I stab my finger at the glass. “It’s a vampire!”

Adam leans in closer. “…How is that a vampire?”

The Dracula figurine is dressed in a black, purple-lined cape with stiff collar framing slicked-back dark hair and fangs protruding over badly-painted red lips. Ruffles of lace around its wrists and neck are the only things not plastic about it.

“We have to buy it,” I announce.

“We most certainly do not have to buy it,” Adam counters.

But I’m already halfway through the shop’s doorway, just about hearing his long groan as he reluctantly follows me inside.

I ignore most of the goods, heading directly for the shelves of toys.

“Think of the others’ reactions. It’s worth the price alone for that,” I state as I walk down the aisle, pressing a finger to my lips as I search for the little plastic Dracula.

“Nothing is worth the price of encouraging such horrid depictions,” he grumbles but still trails behind me anyway.

I pause, flinging my hands out. “Found it.” I pull one off the shelf, my excitement reaching new heights as I notice something on the box I hadn’t outside. “Adam. Look.”

He focuses on the toy as I press the ‘Try Me!’ button.

A mechanical voice in an accent I’m pretty sure is not an actual accent barks out, “I want to suck your blood…”

We both blink at the toy in silence for the longest moment.

Then I bite my lip to hold back the burst of laughter that wants to explode out of me.

My resistance fails completely when I notice the unabashed disgust that wrinkles Adam’s nose, his teeth bared. My laughter fills the shop as I bend over, heaving out breaths between chortles.

“Put it back,” Adam demands through a growl. “Now.”

I do, figuring he’s probably endured enough, especially as I can’t stop laughing.

We head out of the shop, Adam’s shoulders wrapped around his ears, as I wipe away tears from my eyes, smile still plastered to my face.

Heading down the street, we fall into step beside each other.

“Guess what I’m getting you for your next birthday.”

“If you buy me that atrocity, we may have to rethink our friendship.”

“…Part of me thinks it’s worth it.”

Adam groans loudly.


This was a really fun spontaneous scenario I wrote after hearing Nai playing with her son and they were making an...interesting-shaped vampire out of Lego, hehe! :D  It seems I can't stop thinking of Wayhaven, even during those moments! 



I want one of those now too 😂😂


"Look!" "Ah, yes. Plastic toys wrapped in plastic boxes" "Well aren't you full of sunshine today." This is SO me/my main detective and Adam 😆