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QUESTION: "Rebecca, The MC has forgiven you for keeping some secrets from them, do you feel guilty about keeping more secrets?"


Her hands clench in her lap before she takes a breath and manages to force them to relax. “If preventing my child from leaning about some things keeps them safe or happy, then I will continue to hide whatever that truth may be.” She swallows hard, but a flicker of uncertainty crosses her usually steady expression.

“I don’t keep secrets to hurt them. I keep them because I will gladly bear the weight of them so as they remain unburdened. As much as that seems to backfire, at least I know that, for some time at least, they can live life without needing to worry or be in pain over the things I know that they do not need to.”



I've played the whole range with Rebecca from best friends to scorched earth and, honestly, it's really only my refusal to have the MC's (and Rook's) defining characteristic become stubbornness that keeps me playing nice (and, ok, there's some guilt for being mean to her when she's trying so ineptly). Rebecca seems to me to be very self-absorbed. Everything is about her- her grief, her fears (for the MC, sure, but they're still HER fears), her career, her decisions, her secrets. She's a great, complex character, but it's always a struggle for me not to call her out when I'm trying to get along with her.


I'm going though old posts and this just gets to me! Can't see my MC and Rebecca rebuilding their relationship till she stops being so sneaky and also gets grief counselling. My God she needs it 😖