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Question: "Felix/Farah past or present, what's a memory you'll never forget? or someone you'll always remember?"


Sorrow makes their usually bright eyes dull a little. “I’ll always remember my mom, I suppose. I don’t know how I could ever forget her. No matter how many centuries go by, she’ll always be here with me.”

A forced smile curls their lips. “As for memories…I’ve made so many here I’m not sure I could pick just one! But meeting the others has to be up on the list—Oh no, wait! Meeting [Name]—No, actually, getting introduced to our new home—Ah! No…”

You realise you could be here for a while…



Poor F…😭 tho I’m still amazed how they still choose to focus on what’s good and happy in life instead of dwelling in sadness.

Jason Bond

I have been playing a Farah-romance route for a break from the drama of Nat's. route. She's so upbeat.