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QUESTION: "Not sure if these have been asked before but for A: - Have you ever been in a romantic relationship? - What is your favourite moment in history that you’ve lived through?"


Adam/Ava stands from their seat at the question and paces behind their chair a little. “I’m unsure what purpose my answer to such a question could provide.”

“Ugh, don’t be boring. Just answer the question,” Felix/Farah groans.

“Fine,” Adam/Ava responds before tugging on the bottom of their shirt. “I have been involved with people in the past, yes. But I formed no true attachments.”

Mason/Morgan and Felix/Farah glance at each other and something unspoken passes between as Mason/Morgan arches a brow in apparent reply to whatever was silently said.

Adam/Ava doesn’t notice or has become adept at ignoring the reaction over the years. “As for my favourite historical time…I have none. We have only the present to live in, so that is where we must be.”

Mason/Morgan scoffs. “Says the vampire who does nothing but live in their past—"

Nate/Nat nudges them and then smiles at their oldest friend. “That’s a good way to view things, Adam/Ava.”