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The scent of lavender invades my nostrils, along with about fifty dog hairs. I crush my lips together to hold back a sneeze, tightening my grip on the mountain of things in my arms: a thick velvet dog bed, a huge bag of squeaking toys, at least five blankets, three different leashes, and two harnesses.

Oh, and a jar full of home-baked dog treats.

I never thought I could be jealous of an animal, but Dylan—the fire station’s Golden Retriever and sort-of mascot—lives a life of luxury I could only aspire to.

“Do you think you’ll need anything else?” Xanthe asks, chewing at her lip.

I peer around the items stacked in my grasp with a concerned frown. “What else could there be?”

Nate steps a little forward of where he’d been standing at my side in my apartment’s doorway. “Does he need particular bowls, or is he happy to eat out of some we have?”

“Oh, good point!” Xanthe replies. “I’ll be right back.” I hear her footsteps thunder down the stairs rather than see her as the dog bed obstructs my view.

I shift the weight of it all and raise a brow at Nate. “Really?”

“Some animals only enjoy eating out of their own dishes,” he comments with a shrug that’s accompanied by a smile.

It’s difficult to argue when he smiles at me in that way—with such genuine care that it makes my heart seem to swell with happiness in my chest. Instead, I let out a sigh just as Xanthe ascends the last steps of the stairs.

“Here we are,” she puffs out, balancing the ceramic, hand-painted dishes on top of everything else. “I couldn’t find his usual ones. But he likes these too.”

“His usual ones?” I ask, my voice muffled through the blankets.

“Well, enjoy your time with him. I shouldn’t be too long,” she states before kneeling down to the dog sat patiently at our feet. “Mummy will see you later. Be good and have fun. I love you so much.” She envelops the creature in a hug which sends a puff of yellow fur to plume into the air.

With a final few looks back, Xanthe finally leaves.

I head inside and throw the items onto my sofa. Dylan bounces over and happily begins digging through the spill of vividly bright toys that now adorn the living room floor. I watch with a slight grimace as he slobbers over a tennis ball.

“Why did we agree to this again?” I ask as Nate comes up to my side and wraps an arm about me.

“Because it meant we got to spend some quality time together,” he replies before chuckling softly. “Plus, he’s adorable.”

Dylan’s big brown eyes peer at me as though knowing we’re discussing him. With such a doe-eyed expression, I can’t reply with anything but, “Yeah, he really is.”

The dog goes back to drooling over the carpet.

“But I didn’t know he was going to come with enough stuff to fill my apartment,” I state, flopping down onto the sofa.

Nate takes the seat beside me, leaning forward in order to smooth Dylan and lovingly squish his velvety face. “What’s wrong with people wanting to spoil those they love?”

“Says the vampire with a wardrobe that could also fill my apartment,” I comment with a soft laugh.

He smiles and leans back, the two of us cuddling closer as we watch Dylan roll the tennis ball forward where it hits the leg of the coffee table and rolls back to him. “Spoiling myself is a nice treat. But spoiling those I care for is even better.”

“Maybe we should spoil this dog with a walk…before he gets slobber over my entire apartment,” I suggest.

At the word ‘walk’, Dylan practically flings himself at us with an enthusiastic bark.

I chuckle and run my fingers through his soft fur. “I guess that’s a yes.”


The day is bright, with the afternoon sun beaming its smiling rays down on us, and birds chirruping prettily from the trees lining the path that winds onwards. But all of that doesn’t make me anywhere near as happy as walking side-by-side with Nate, his fingers laced through mine, and his gaze always flickering back to mine as though in slight disbelief I’m with him.

Dylan walks a little in front of us, checking out the people playing frisbee on the grass.

“I’ve missed this,” Nate announces, drawing in a long breath of the warm air.

“Walking a dog?” I ask. “You’ve walked many?”

He shakes his head, some of the happiness sinking into gloom. “Not in a long time. I used to have many animal companions as I was growing up. They helped me through…many tough times.”

“Are you saying you had a whole kennel’s worth of dogs you’d spoil back in the day?” I ask, hoping my joking tone will help lift his mood once more.

Memories make his eyes glassy, but his smile thankfully returns as he brushes back a few long waves of hair from his face. “Only two: Titan and Bracken.”

My brows arch. “That’s quite the names.”

“They were quite the dogs,” he replies with a laugh. “And yes, just as spoiled as Dylan here. Though there wasn’t quite the selection of toys in those days that he has now.”

“Couldn’t you not get one now if you miss that animal companionship?”

“In our line of work?” He shakes his head with a frown. “Poor thing would be alone for far too long, and I’d worry too much.” His frown dissipates with another smile. “I already have to worry too much about the others to add another to the mix.”

“That’s true,” I say with a nod.

The image of Nate—a human Nate—running around with a couple of boisterous dogs is so far from the man I see now. It’s not difficult to imagine, but it is painful. To think whatever has happened in his past has taken that part of him away that is now only filled with worry.

I glance away at the thought, staring out across the park’s green carpet of grass and the gravel pathways that weave through them like stony rivers. “Hm.”

“Hm?” Nate asks, drawing my focus back as he presses closer into my side and squeezes my hand.

“It’s just…sometimes it feels like there’s another person buried inside of you sometimes,” I admit.

He tilts his head before licking at his lips, seeming to taste a reply on his tongue before finally letting it free. “If there was, then I doubt you’d wish to know him.”

“How do you know?”

Nate holds my gaze, staring into my eyes as though able to search my soul when it’s him I’m waiting for an answer from.

The moment is cut short as Dylan lets out a bark that makes us both flinch.

“What is it, boy?” Nate asks, kneeling down to the dog’s level and fluffing up its fur in a way that makes the dog’s tongue loll out of its mouth. “Oh, you’re just a big softie inside and out, aren’t you?”

Watching Nate with such a wide smile, cuddling the dog close, letting out a soft laugh. It makes my uncertainties begin to fade.

Nate is who he is now.

And that Nate is the one I am falling head over heels for.

“Come on,” he says, standing back up and offering his hand out to me. “Let’s not miss this time we have.”

I stare at his hand before flicking my gaze back up to meet his.

With a smile, I slide my fingers into his and almost melt into his perpetually warm touch. He rests his head against me as we walk, and I realise nothing could break the perfection of this moment. At least not until Dylan drools over my shoes waiting for me to throw his ball.

“It’s lucky you’re so cute,” I state.

Dylan barks in agreement.




i need to pet dylan NOW 🥹


Ugh.. Nate has my whole heart.


Loving seeing the sweet, domestic N route from b3 really come to light in the Patreon specials. And N … are you actually opening up a little about your past? The dogs’ names! And I bet we would have loved Nate back then, too 🥰 I have so many headcanons of Nate and my Detective with their own dog so this is just even more special. Loved loved loved!


As a dog lover dying for more N content (can never have enough!), this just made my day. N opening up to the detective, even for something as small as their dogs’ names, made me smile - I thought they would artfully change the subject as they usually do with the Detective when their past gets brought up. I love these small wins, though they also just build up my anticipation for the reveal 👀


It feels so different writing the vampires in these scenarios now Book Three is out, hehe! A bit less restricting in what I can write so I don't spoil things :D


Oh, as a major dog lover myself I had to work hard not to just make this whole scene be the MC and N hugging and cuddling the dog, hehe! :D


Love it! But you do know we are going to have to get a Scene from each LI pov of the drive back in the SUV to the warehouse during our MCs shock in Book III RIGHT?!!! 🙃🤫😉😉😉

Juniper Nyx

Xanthe is literally me with my dog 😅 Nova is spoiled rotten


Oh reading this in the middle of my Book 3 N playthrough is giving me Feelings. Let N Get A Doggo!

Kelsey Erickson

I voted for dogsitting hoping it would a N scenario 😭💕


Omg Sera, the timing of this story could not have been more perfect. I had to unexpectedly say goodbye to my dog only 3 days ago... TWC 3 truly has been a balm for my soul, I'm not sure how I would have managed the past days without it. I can't even count how many times I've read Nate's route already. And now this? Thank you so much for bringing out all these fluffy feelings in me, Nate+golden retriever+romance+a bit of angst is a spectacular combination, I adore him and love how he just opened up even a little bit more 🥺❤️


I object to calling Dylan an it. Otherwise, great as usual

Xun Yue

Couldn't have said it better myself!! That's definitely a must!!