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This was literally me to Nai, hehe! :D

Thank you so much for all your kind, wonderful, and excited messages and comments! They are appreciated more than you can know! I am in such a state of extreme relief and joy to know that you're enjoying it and getting lost in Wayhaven once more!

Can't wait to begin the journey for Book Four now... ;D



Absolutely love it! Started with the N route and was so much into my romance feelings (and wow that ending) then the A route which was always great! Gathering my emotions to go at it again with F and M next!


For me it’s the LT route, the sheer volume of moments where I just wanted to give N and A a hug made it an instant favorite. Even if it feels like my soul has been shattered like sugar glass.


thank you so much for giving us this story we keep wanting to come back to. it’s been years and wayhaven’s just as engrossing to me as when i first played it. replaying the first book again now, it’s so interesting to see how far the detective and UB have come, and i can’t wait to see where you take them. 💚


My heart melts every time I replay and spot something new. There's still so many choices I haven't picked yet and paths I haven't done, and so far I have loved ALL of it. You are amazing, and we are so happy and proud that you've shared all of this with us, with how much HARD WORK you've put into this. I've fallen in love with the detective (not a "detective" anymore, eh?) and the side characters almost as much as I've fallen for the love interests. It's all so detailed and beautiful. Wayhaven is my favorite thing ever.


Congratulations Mishka!!! Thank you so much for giving us The Wayhaven Chronicles. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever read. I will be busy for a while with all of the different routes. I can’t wait for sneak peeks of book 4 while you’re writing it.

Emily Smith

How is it decided between Ava or Rebecca who is the Detective's handler? I swear I got Ava twice but now I'm only getting Rebecca.


Ooooooh I just went to the auction alone for the first time. I took Rebecca my other playthroughs……… Wow I was not expecting that


okay wow i didn't even know that A could be the detective's handler :')


I got A to be the handler when the relationship between MC and Rebecca wasnt great and my MC told her plainly that they dont want her orders.


Congrats and thank you sooo much! I adore the series and I love losing myself playing it 💕💕


You have to choose one of the options that says you don't want Rebecca as your superior, and then she defers it to A instead.


Aah, what an incredible comment! Thank you so SO much <3 <3 <3 It's nice to have the MC finally be part of the Agency so we can get into the real juicy stuff, hehe ;D


Aah, I hope you enjoyed it! :D I loved being able to write those split endings! Did you have Bobby or Douglas...?


I'm so glad you could lose yourself whilst playing it! That is what I was so hoping people could do <3


Oh I had Bobby! Who was also this MC’s ex boyfriend so it was very fun for this to be the playthrough I tried it on lol


3 play throughs in! All I got left is my F play through. Oh lawd I already can't wait for the 4th book, this is torture. This has been an awesome and amazing and FEELSY journey so far, thank you so much! I do gotta say though, for someone so big on propriety, N sure does pick some interesting locations to have... uh... fun with the Detective.


I wanted to wait until I tried all four routes before saying something here (the LT doesn't exist to me, lalalalala!), and I will try to make it short (you may get a longer PM so I can gush about specific things). So here goes.... you were right, I 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 M's story this time. There are several points where I'd throw my wallet at you to get M's POV, too. But the progression from the dreaded bakery scene (I still hate that) to the end was smooth as silk, and I loved every interaction with M after that (if I listed all the ones I loved, I'd take up the whole page!). I worried about the fact that Adam is my M-mancer's bff, but I shouldn't have. While he wasn't support for her where Mason is concerned, his interaction with Mason at the end was absolutely perfect. M seems to get it now, which is awesome. Just hoping it doesn't take too long for them to spit it out or for the MC to say it without the rest of the team interrupting! Anyway, I said this would be short (well, short for me). I just had to tell you that you did an 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 job with M's route and it's exactly how I pictured things should go with them. M's arrival at the auction, and what he said, blew me away. And I love that the MC can get caught (stupid Bobby) and still get some hits in instead of freaking out over it. That totally fit my MC. Thanks for your hard work, Mishka!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Goodness gracious, I spent three whole books trying to get a single smooch from A. Now that I’m trying the M route it’s like I’ve entered the intimacy emporium. lol


LMAO totally! The M route was whiplash after the A route. Like, now I'm so used to hardly getting affection, and here I am getting sprinkled with it. I love how vastly different all the routes are.


Do we have set dates for this season's spring patreon specials by the way? I keep meaning to check but I keep forgetting, and if we do then I haven't seen that post yet. Very excited to see any of UB petsitting the fire station's golden retriever 😂


YES, I also did a BFF!A on my M route playthrough. I want to do some replays to see all the options but I was pleasantly surprised since A and M... aren't the most touchy-feely, LOL! I loved the whole M route too, it was AMAZING. And so romantic. Which, concerning M, I really did NOT expect lol


YES HAVAHDIAIA omg the N scene on the pool table... 😳 I don't know if the detective locked that door beforehand but god bless Unit Bravo for not walking in at a poor moment.


Just finished A's route and this book really shows off your game design skills; I was genuinely torn about several of the choices and whether they'd be a "good outcome." I had to let that go and decide with my detective's personality instead, but that never felt like a bad thing. Obviously a ton of that is your writing skills, but there's a lot of hard design and game plotting work that goes into a character failing but player not feeling icky about it, too. And that best friend choice, ahh, so smoothly integrated into the scene, it was perfect. What a triumph!


Ah nevermind! Learning about N's dogs was so sweet 🥺🖤 I'm excited for the rest too!


So much so! I was blown away by how intricate all of the branches are, and everything was really taking into account all our past choices and reactions, character relationships, everything. Just amazing work and an amazing story.

Margaret Fisher

I feel you...there were some choices I just sat in front of the computer staring at the screen going "Oh crap...." especially that key decision in regards to the team staying together or splitting. Thankfully my detective stuck to her guns and found out she had a lot more sway with the team than she thought she did.

Tatiana Robson

I actually did the opposite where I played M then A. But I decided to do a slow burn with M until they admitted there was something more there.

Tatiana Robson

I’m late to the party but found this out on accident and meant to joke around with Rebecca about not taking orders from her.