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Quick one this week.

We’ve had an emergency situation with my mum this week where we had to take her to hospital, so things have fallen a bit behind.

I’ve been working in between, getting things up together ready for the release as much as I can, but I’ve missed a couple of days of Patreon reward emails, but I will be doing my best to catch up on those tonight and over the weekend but things are still up in the air.

There will probably be less Instagram posts, etc for the time being, but asks and Patreon posts are already scheduled for you guys to enjoy!

I will update you all again next week. Hoping we’ll have a better situation sorted so that I can get more work done. Apologies for the quick update.


For Update+, I really could have done with a Farah/Felix this week, so here is a snippet of F doing what F does best…


Nausea makes me topple forwards, but a pair of arms grasp me before I crumple to my knees.

"Whoa there!"

My hands drop as I turn my head to meet her/his worried gaze. "Farah/Felix."

She/He beams a smile through her/his concern. "That's definitely me. But what about you? You don't seem yourself."


Hope you all have a great weekend, and I’ll talk to you all soon! Thank you for your understanding <3



Take care of your loved ones, we'll still be here when you get back! 💗I hope your mother is doing well!

Jessica O.

Take care my of yourself and your mom first! Hope everything becomes well soon!


I hope your mom is okay now, and back home (or will be soon). Family is priority, so don't worry about anything. And don't forget to take care of yourself, too--it's easy to forget that when people we care for are not doing well.


All my best to you, Nai, and your mum. I've had my fair share of family medical emergencies over the years, I hope things get better for you all soon &lt;3


Best wishes to your mum, hope she feels better soon! And take care of yourself as well, health comes first.

KPO Live

Aw, I hope your mom's ok! Don't worry about us too much, we'll be fine. Go take care of Mama! Be safe!


Take care there! I hope your mom will get better very soon! All best wishes for whole family!


Family first, do what you gotta do!! Hope that everything turns out OK, and quickly!

Jason Bond

Family first as others said. I lost my Dad last Friday night so I can sympathize. We will still be here.

Michael Doppel

Sending you and your family all the good vibes!


All my love to your mom and to you 💕💕


I hope she has a swift recovery, take all the time you need! 💜


Sending you and your family lots of love! ❤️ I hope your mom feels better soon!


Family is important so that's totally fair! Wish for a speedy and smooth recovery!


best wishes to you and your mom!!!


I hope everything is ok; sending lots of good thoughts to you and your family 💜 I hope your mom gets well soon. Don't forget to take care of yourself too.


Ohhh, that's terrible. Sending all the good things the way of you and your family! You and your loved ones' safety and happiness matters most.


I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope everything is okay and will send love and healing your way 💗

Taylor S.

Oh my goodness Mishka! I'm so sorry to hear this. Do not worry about us, please take all the time you need. Sending you and your family so much love, I hope your mom recovers very well, very soon 💕


Sending you positive vibes. Please take all of the time you need.

Queen Zelda (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-19 12:46:41 oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Please take care of your mom first and please stay safe, my thoughts and prayers are with you all &lt;3
2023-02-19 10:29:52 oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Please take care of your mom first and please stay safe, my thoughts and prayers are with you all <3

oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Please take care of your mom first and please stay safe, my thoughts and prayers are with you all <3