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I think I’ve probably fiddled with the vase of flowers at least twenty times by now. But one more time won’t hurt…

I twist the clear vase so as the blooms of roses and hyacinths inside of it spin around to reveal a new angle.


I step back from the set up with an appraising look and give a nod. The facility’s common room doesn’t exactly scream romance, but I’ve done the best I can considering the situation. With the help of Nate and Farah, I managed to squeeze a small table into the centre and push the sofas back to the walls so as I could fit some chairs in too.

A cotton tablecloth covers the round metal table, giving a much softer romantic look, and the candlestick Nate let me borrow—which I’m pretty sure is real silver—tops it all off to perfection.

I brush down my outfit, fiddling with the edges of the sleeves as the only sound to keep me company is the incessant tick of the antique clock. The candlelight glimmers in the reflection of the clock’s face as I glance at it.

I begin to worry she might be later, but that’s to be expected considering she’s been on mission for two weeks.

Two whole weeks away from her. I didn’t realise just how much I was going to miss her until she was gone.

My thoughts are broken by the clicking sound of heels from the hallway outside.

I spin on the spot, suddenly unsure how to stand. I place an elbow on the nearby shelf and lean against it casually before shaking my head. That just looks awkward. I stand straight, my hands in front of me. Nope, too formal. I move to take a place behind the table—

“You know, you’re awfully sweet when you’re nervous.” Lesedi’s voice drifts into the room, and I almost melt at the sound of it.

My voice strangles in my throat at the sight of her. Her lithe form is hugged by a bronze-satin dress, a long split travelling all the way up one thigh. Her cornrows are held back by a gold metal clasp, leaving full view of her long neck and exquisite features. But it’s her smile that really makes my heart stammer in my chest.

“It’s been a while since we’ve since each other,” I explain, rubbing at my neck before clearing my throat. “I wanted to surprise you.” The flames of the candles seem to flicker a little higher as I spread my hands over the table with a flourish. “Happy Valentine’s and welcome home!”

Her eyes twinkle with happiness as she presses a hand to her chest. Her gaze barely takes in the scene. “I’m—”

“Not surprised at all,” I say through a sigh. “Who told you?”

She chuckles, and it’s a melody I’ve been so desperate to hear again. “Farah may have mentioned to dress in something a little more…special when coming to meet you tonight.”

“You certainly achieved that,” I state before pushing out my lower lip a little. “Though sucks the surprise was ruined.”

“It wasn’t ruined in the slightest,” she insists, walking over to me and wrapping an arm around my middle. She leans closer to press a warm kiss to my cheek. “This is more than I could have asked for.”

I return the embrace, feeling a sense of completion as her body slides perfectly to fit against mine. “You are more than I could have asked for.”

“Then it is lucky we found each other,” she murmurs as her fingertips circle at the back of my neck, making me shiver. “And I don’t ever plan to let us go.”

Her lips press to mine as though to seal the promise. Everything about her is soft and warm: her touch, her words, her personality. How I’ve gone through so much of my life without her is a mystery. She has stoked a fire in me that has truly brought me to life.

And I love her fiercely for it.




AAAAHHHH Lesedi is so beautiful and wonderful. Need more of her, forever.


I know you’ve got so much on your plate with Bravo as a whole but Alpha is so gooooooooooooooooood