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I’ve walked the hallway of the facility so many times before, but I can still never get used to the stench of the clinical chemicals that permeate the tunnel on the way to the medical wing. You’d think with the amount of magic users, at least one of them could sweep away the smell.

Or maybe the fumes have burnt away their sense of smell.

I bring the bunch of hyacinths to my nose and inhale their sweet smell. The pop of pink and violet colour they offer helps offset the blandness of the tubular hallway. Their natural beauty is such a stark contrast against the manmade facility, but it sure is a welcome one.

Voices begin to echo down the hall as I approach Elidor’s station. I’ve barely seen him all week. I was hoping that all the injured agents might take the evening off seeing as it’s Valentine’s day, but as I curve around the corridor, it seems they didn’t want to be so obliging.

I rest against the wall outside of the medical room, trying not to listen to the conversation inside. But the voices drift so easily through the door that’s been left ajar that it’s impossible not to overhear a little.

“I think that will do,” Elidor announces followed by the squeak of a chair.

“That will do?” another voice asks with a chuckle. “That’s not like you. You’re normally the pinnacle of perfection. In a rush tonight?”

There’s a slight pause before Elidor replies. “I am.”

“How come?”

“It’s Valentine’s. I’m meeting—”

There’s a scoff. “Oh, please don’t tell me even you have succumbed to that red-and-pink-infested over-commercialized monstrosity of a day, have you?”

Another pause. I hold my breath.

“I have succumbed to wanting to take any opportunity to show the person I am crazy about that I care for them. Deeply. Whether it is over-commercialized or not is of no concern. Valentine’s is an excuse to spend even more time with them, and I will take any excuse to do that,” Elidor explains in a strict voice he usually reserves for uncooperative patients.

I dip my gaze as a smile crosses my lips.

“Still means buying a bunch of stuff,” the patient grumbles.

“If you are with someone who values the cost of your gifts over the joy of your company, then maybe you need to re-evaluate your situation.” Elidor huffs out a breath. “See me again in three days, and I will check the wound.”

There’s a squeak of boots on the floor. “See you then.”

A man pushes out of the door beside me, and I push myself off of the wall. He glances down at the bundle of hyacinths in my hand before sighing.

“Jealous?” I ask with a half-smile.

“Very,” he replies with a chuckle before nodding a goodbye. “Enjoy your Valentine’s.”

After a quiet moment, I knock on the door and wait for Elidor to call me inside.

He sits with impeccable posture at a small desk, writing something out on a form before flicking his head towards me. His face brightens into a smile that makes my heart sing.

“They are beautiful,” he states, walking towards me and taking the offered flowers. His eyes flutter shut, his blue eyelashes kissing his cheekbones, as he inhales the fragrance of them.

“Happy Valentine’s,” I announce.

He reaches for an empty beaker, filling it with some water and placing the flowers inside. “I thought we weren’t doing gifts?”

“A bunch of flowers is hardly a gift. I picked them from the forest on the way here.” I rub at my neck with a wince. “Just don’t tell anyone. I’m pretty sure picking wildflowers can get you fined.”

He chuckles, wrapping me in his strong arms as he sits on a stool, tugging me to stand between his legs. “Then I appreciate them even more for taking such a risk.”

I brush a lock of shimmering azure hair back behind his ear. “So, care about me deeply, do you?”

His brows arch. “You overheard?”

“It was kind of hard not to,” I admit.

“Then I suppose it is useless to deny it.” He hugs me even closer until our chests are pressed together. “Yes. You are my every thought and wish. Falling for you was as inevitable as the tides rising against the shore.”

My breath catches in my lungs, my chest suddenly constricting with the fast pace of my heart.

I manage to smile as I press a kiss against his cheek. His skin is flushed with a wonderful warmth.

“You really know how to sweet talk, don’t you?” I say.

“Flirting is not my forte. Speaking the truth is,” he states, standing from the stool and making my own body suddenly heat as his body slides against mine with the motion. “Now, shall we head out? I would much rather spend my time with you elsewhere than in this room any longer.”

I wrap my hand into his as we head out together.

And I realise just how easily I could fall in love with this Fae.

It seems as inevitable as the tides rising against the shore, in fact.




Oh...my poor heart. I couldn't stop smiling, he's perfection





Sarah Oh!

How lovely!


Oh damn, Elidor 😳 Good thing you aren’t an RO normally or N might have competition for the Suavest!


My heart!!!! 🥰❤️🥹

Linda Self

I didn't realize how much I needed Elidor until reading this. He's going to take up a lot of headspace now.

KPO Live

Oh my gosh I'M DYING



Erin Hayes


Azereth Sopkovich

Oh my gog he is so sweet and perfect never change you big cinamaroll!

I Love You

Oh my god. This is perfect.


he kind of reminds me of a far less emotionally constipated adam lol


Aww, he's so sweet. And I love that the detective brought him flowers. He absolutely deserves it! :D


blue eyelashes?🥹


I think the difference is N definitely knows they're charming but Elidor doesn't know, which makes it even more of a surprise when it happens, hehe Not that I've put thought into how Elidor would be as a love interest or anything...hehe ;D


I'm not sure Elidor would believe he would have that effect on people, even with all of us swooning around him, hehe! :D


Elidor loves nature and to be surrounded by it, so he would definitely appreciate this (even if he would prefer flowers not to be picked, but he wouldn't ruin the moment with that, lol!)


Blue hair and blue eyelashes, though the blue tint only really shows when you're up very close to him!

Sarah Oh!

Is there anything more heart pounding than someone who thinks it's just the honest truth that you hung the moon?!

Poppy O'Brien

Move over, M! I’m Team Elidor now 😍


So...I need him as a LI now. Pls and thank you. 😅

Jason Bond

Don't know how I missed this. Jason cares for Elidor in a "bromance" sort of way.