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Oh, what a week!

Lots of getting prepped ready towards Book Three's release! We have some fun plans coming for the build up closer to April!

I managed to get in some bits and pieces of plans towards Book Four planning, though mostly the focus is on getting everything prepared before I even reach that stage (though I did come up with a scene idea that I am already internally screaming about I am SO excited to write! :D).

But I really do want to get everything laid out really well before heading into Book Four planning. Things are getting a lot more complicated with the coding with so many branches in play now, so I don't want anything to get lost! It means going through everything from character arcs, variables, to scenes in earlier books to make sure I can go into the planning phase as smoothly as possible.

I did get to do some writing this week though! I finished up the Patreon Valentine's AU (alternate universe) scenarios!

Here's what's coming up on there:

Sweet Talker (Elidor Scenario Special—9th Feb)

The MC surprises Elidor at work, but overhears more than they bargained for...


It's Been Too Long (Lesedi Scenario Special—14th Feb)

Being apart for so long is hard on both the MC and Lesedi, but the MC has a little surprise in mind to help with the homecoming...


Romantic Interlude (Tina Scenario Special—21st Feb)

Neither Tina or the MC are sure when the line between friendship and romance got crossed, but both are more than happy that it did!


Taste of Temptation (Falk Scenario Special—28th Feb)

The MC just knows taking a step into something more with Falk might just be a bad idea...but here they are, doing it anyway...


I had such an amazingly fun time writing these (Falk's is actually a scene I've had playing in my head for years, so it was great fun getting the chance to write it out finally)!

Next week, we'll be keeping working on Book Three release preparations, as well as getting further stuck into the prep work ready for Book Four planning. Will be interesting to go back and see how far the characters and relationships have come, hehe! :D


For Update+ this week, a surprise moment for the MC in A's route!


"The total opposite, actually," I purr.

His/Her arms fold tighter for a moment before dropping to his/her sides, as though opening up to allow me closer. "And just why is that?"

Shock once again rocks me as he/she actually seems to be flirting back!


Hope you all have the most wonderful weekend! Can't believe how close we're getting to the release of Book Three!! Aahhhhh!!!



I am so looking forward to Falk's scenario! Also A flirting? Did pigs started flying?

Victoria Hadland

Is there a set date for book 3 release yet?


Yaya!! I can't wait for the release either! Great to see my A flirting back! ☺️


Hype is reeeeaalll!!!


Just curious, do you think we could see how you plot your stories. I'd love to see your process for writing! I'm a Pantser writer so I love seeing the behind-the-scenes of plotters. I just can't do it. 😅


Currently trying to process flirting with A … 🤯


A is flirting?? ... I didn't know they knew how to do that....


Release is so close yet it still seems to be so… so so so…. so far away.


ooh, that might be an interesting series of posts to do! I will be starting right from the beginning for Book Four, so if it's something people might find helpful, I could definitely try to share that process!


It is an odd sense of time coming up to it. I know there's still so long, but I think planning everything out up to release has made it seem so much shorter! :D


That would be so cool! I love the idea! 😃❤️


Can't wait to see Falk's scenario. And, holy crap, A is halfway flirting? Next thing we know, M will stop telling the MC (and everyone else in the world!) they mean nothing to them, lol. If we're lucky...

Jason Bond

Looking forward to Tina's Interlude. Is it spoilerish to ask if Tina might reciprocate the MC's s secret interest?


Well hopefully they decided to try it out more often! I know my A-mancer would appreciate it at least! 😉


Lol. Yeah, yeah, I know it'll be b5 or b6 before M stops being like, "duh, what's going on?" and being randomly nasty to a RO'd MC. Super-duper slow burn and all that, with years passing before M realizes feelings. At least we have A flirting, though. And, I'm willing to bet, A-mancers will get a kiss this book if they initiate it, so that's something! :-)

Queen Zelda (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-19 17:35:21 OOOOh, there is a book four? O.O I love you.... and I'm looking forward to the AU's <3
2023-02-19 15:04:01 OOOOh, there is a book four? O.O I love you.... and I'm looking forward to the AU's <3

OOOOh, there is a book four? O.O I love you.... and I'm looking forward to the AU's <3