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Chapter 16 is finished!!!


As you may have guessed, the editing I had planned to do this week kind of…didn’t. But the writing was just flowing SO amazingly well, and when I started to realise I could get the chapter finished, I just couldn’t stop! :D

Most of it was actually taken up by Farah/Felix’s scene—a scene I'm unbelievably happy with! F’s was definitely the most involved and intense of the bunch this time, as well as it having to have a few different variations to it to account for choices in that moment.

So yeah, that means the start of the endings will be beginning!

Unfortunately, not quite yet though, lol. With not doing the editing this week and focusing on writing instead, I do have to do editing next week so as SpunkyCat can get started on the next chapters. Nai will also be back then, and we need to do a 'game mechanics' kind of catch up day because I have way to many bits of paper sprawled over my desk that need to get properly written up before I lose them. And it's also social media days next week!

So next week will be seriously busy and probably won't be a writing week, but a catch-up kind of week that's been desperately needed for ages now.

I'm also hoping to be able to get the Book Three graphics over to Hosted Games for the Steam wishlist, as well as let them know how far along I am so they might put the save system in for Book Two!

Aah guys, I'm so excited!!! Tons of stuff to do next week, but once that's out of the way, I'm hoping it will be a very smooth run in to the start of those ending chapters!


For Update+ this week, a little glimpse at a character to come... (It's getting so much harder to find non-spoilery sneak peeks, hehe! :D)


[Redacted] offers a hand out towards me, and I take it. An odd sensation courses up my arm but dissipates only a second later, like a fluttering of butterfly wings just beneath my skin.

I meet his/her gaze, but he/she holds mine steady.


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all next week! <3



Sera u have to stop making me feel things for secondary characters 😭😭 lol aaaa I will definitely replay book1 and book2 once the save system is implemented 💞


SAVING FOR BOOK 2!!!! SCREAMING, CRYING OF HAPPIENES!! what better reason to replay the books and finally commit to a mc??? So so excited! So happy to hear about the progress; but please don't push yourself too hard. Sending lots of good vibes for the weekend 🤗💖💖✨️✨️


You might be feeling all kinds of different things for this character when you find out their purpose...


Thank you! I'm going to take Saturday off seeing as this week was such an intense one with writing, so I'll be raring to go on Monday! :D


Umm Mishka!! Why are all of the non-romanceable characters so irresistible?? 👀 We have to one day get a spin-off where we can date Elidor, UA, and even villains. Maybe Sin? Keep up the good work.


Is it too soon for X (ex member) because I’m already feeling certain way about X … but I am very excited for this new and charming and elusive character I am so excited about saving!! Already I have close to ten saved from book one and played in book two


So excited! I have a minimum of 8 different versions of book 2 that needs to be saved!

Stacey O'Brien

I’m really looking forward to book 3 I’ve been playing through the series again and I’m super hyped for this to release so keep up the hard work and remember to look after yourself as well

Irah Delial

Are they hot?? 👀


Great work this week! You're really hauling butt now! When book 2 can be saved, I'll be busy for a while--got to have two saves each for my A, N, and F routes and 8 for my M-mancer. For the F thing, I'm betting F drops the "I love you" bomb. F is definitely gonna be first with that! With N as a close second...




Can't wait to read book three!!! Thank you so much for creating such an amazing books.


Congrats!! Hopefully all the editing next week goes as smoothly as the writing! Also…. Intense F Content 👀👀 Yes please! Also having the saves in Book 2 is a great reason for a replay! 🤣


I'm so excited for the Save Game to be implemented because that means I get to start playing and prepping my savesssss


Oooh the gender variation makes me think it's Sin's keeper/the big bad(?) 👀


Omfg, every update has me hyper hyped up. I wish I had your writing speed! At this rate we'll have our hands on our preciouses in no time at all! ♡♡♡ ( But in all seriousness, make sure you're taking breaks and time for yourself! Don't be like me and have a 2 year long writers burn out! )


Congrats on this huge milestone, Sera!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Tatiana Robson

Almost time to replay all the routes so I can get them saved up for book 3! 😊💜