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Oh, I really struggled to find something this month, just because we're getting so close that everything is so super spoilery!

Hope you enjoy this little snippet I managed to find though! ;)


"It'll work even better with us at your side," Nate/Nat comments.

"That won't be possible," Rebecca states.

Nate/Nat's brows shift down as he/she shakes his/her head. "Why not?"

"[Name]'s part in this is not the issue," she continues before glancing over the gathered vampires. "It's all of you who may cause the problem."

"Well that's rude," Farah/Felix quips through a sharp breath. "And here I thought we were the ones the Agency sent in to save the day."


There's more romance-specific scenes for this moment, this is from the 'friend' route, but they were too spoilery to share...even though I was desperate to share them, hehe! :D



Oh man, I can see it already in the romance paths--A's gonna blow a gasket (I swear, I must be becoming an A-mancer because I love this!), N will have a meltdown, F will worry themselves to death... M? Not sure (I don't have a good read on b3 M). Might just be like, "Okay, MC's tough, they can handle it." lol