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Considering summer is my least favourite season, it seems to be working for me at the moment, hehe! :D

Another fantastically productive week! My goal for this week was to finish the common opening for Chapter 15, and maybe, hopefully, get one of the split scenes in it finished.

But then an unexpected thing arose where I went to write some foreshadowing for a certain event that happened...except for some reason I hadn't actually written that event in at the end of Chapter 9 where it was supposed to be, lol!

I couldn't even find the plan for it. I thought I was going a bit loopy, because the scene is a very important one, and I can play it with very vivid clarity in my head, so I thought I must have written it already.

But it turns out it the plan was in Chapter 10's plans because I needed to switch it around. The way I ended up writing Chapter 9's ending was different than what I had thought, so that scene just wouldn't fit there. It would have been way too confusing.

So I put it in with Chapter 10, just actually forgot to write it! So I went and wrote out that scene, as well as it's variations for the different characters.

Then I added in a new opening scene to Chapter 15 to account for this and the foreshadowing that's coming. 

So yeah, a lot of unexpectedly extra stuff this week, but I still got everything I wanted done! Including already finishing one of the split scenes and starting one of the others!!

I'm hoping I might even be able to finish off this split scene tomorrow, which means I would only have one left to finish up Chapter 15! Though this split scene I'm currently working on is something I've changed completely from the plan, so I'm having to go where it's taking me. The plan just didn't work for what has happened already, and I've changed how one of the branches is going to go, but that's the fun of writing! The characters and stories will sometimes find their own way! :D


For Update+ this week, a little fun scene with N, seeing as it's been an N kind of week with Thursday's scenario, hehe! 


"Stop what?" Nate/Nat asks with a feigned breath of innocence.

I roll my eyes and look over my shoulder at him/her. "Looking at me like…that."

He/She leans back on his/her heels, tucking his/her hands into his/her pockets with his/her cue cradled into the nook of his/her arm. "I'm watching you play."

"You're distracting me, and you know it," I counter, struggling to keep the smile from my lips at his/her heated gaze still on me.


Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all next week! <3



N seriously can challenge M for naughtiest team member honestly!!!


Well I'd say N has definitely gotten spoiled this week with all their detective watching 👀👀 I really can't wait to see the deeper side of N.

Irah Delial

Oh, we're playing pool! I'm so excited!

Irah Delial

Ah, the woes of being a writer. You make everything believable, I'm sure you got this.


One of my favorite jokes is how hypocritical N is considering they’re just as naughty as M … they just use more innuendo and catch you off guard!


How have I never entertained the idea of N playing pool? All the lines and angles … and then the physics? And N being so distracting? How does the detective keep from swooning so? Thank you for all of the N content this week! It’s been a great one


Nat is so much more saucey than I thought she could ever be and I am living for it

Taylor S.

Pool scene 😍😍😍 You’re killing it Mishka! We’re so close to being able to save our Book 2 playthroughs now!! Have an amazing weekend 💕


Oh what a wild goose chase! I’m glad you got it all figured out! Also N! I’m surprised at you! Who do you think you are?? M??


You’re amazing as always! I’m glad the summer heat isn’t beating you, but do remember to take breaks and stay hydrated. &lt;3 Oh gosh, uh, so is it bad that the instant I read that N was holding a cue, my mind immediately went to a certain ask from years ago? You know which one… And if you don’t, it’s here (kind of NSFW (just in case)): https://seraphinitegames.tumblr.com/post/179586627649/ Please take care and have a wonderful weekend! &lt;3

Skippy Hugo

I'm somewhat of a Not-So-Fond-Of-Summer person myself


N likes to take their cue (pun totally intended) from their partner, so if the MC is comfortable with it, then they're more happy to indulge in that kind of banter! :D


I mean, I'm not saying it's that scene...but I'm also not not saying it, you know? 👀 (As you might be able to tell, I've been planning some of the pivotal scenes for a very loooonnnggg time, lol!)

Melina Piepho

I love the Winter... But the summer evenings *g* with a light breeze, the scent of grass, when the ground is still warm from the day... it's like a little hug for me.