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[GIF Description: Guy eating popcorn anxiously]

My heart was thumping writing this scene!! Like, I could hear my pulse in my ears there was so much sweet anticipation! :D



^^ my guess exactly! It’s the big romantic A moment? 👀


Add another vote for the A kiss. Other possibilities: N or F says those three little words to the MC. Nothing M-related, at least I'd hope she wouldn't get excited for another M "you're just a sex toy" moment, lol.


Imagine if it’s M finally realizing what they’re feeling though! 🥹 (but yes, it’s probably A-related lol)


Don’t get me thinking like that! I am dying for that moment. Instead we probably have to wait till book 5 or 6 for that. Adam will totally sleep with the MC before M catches a clue about their feelings, and by then my MC will have shoved her head through a brick wall to escape the mean moments lol


Ooooooooh Book 3 cannot come soon enough!!! 👀👀👀 (But of course you take all the time you need, Mishka 💕)


so this is the spot where all the a mancing clowns are gathering right now? 🤣 count me as another vote for the A kiss!