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I arch my back, spreading my arms as though in praise to the sun beaming above me, the water a halo about my body.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” I ask, cracking open an eye lazily to look over at Nate. “It’s really lovely.”

He smiles, leaning his hands either side of his thighs to angle forwards as he sits on the end of the pier, his feet barely skimming the water’s surface. I notice a shudder crawl through him every time his soles make contact with the lake.

“If I was swimming with you, then I wouldn’t get the chance to watch you. And seeing you so happy is all I need,” he states.

I sigh. His words warm me with a gentler heat than the blazing sun, more like an embrace than a fire, but it doesn’t help stem my knot of guilt.

I swim over towards him. “But I feel bad that you’re just…sitting there. Not getting to do anything.”

“Didn’t I just say that watching you is enough?” he repeats with a chuckle, his gaze following me closely as I approach.

A desperate urge tugs at me. I so badly want to know why he won’t come in. I was so sure I saw a flicker of fear flash across his features when we arrived here, yet he was the one who suggested we come.

Another heavy breath falls from me.

“What is it, [redactedpetname]?” His finger hooks beneath my chin to tip it up to meet his eyes. He’s already tall enough without the advantage of sitting on the jetty above. “Are you really so concerned about me having fun?”

“I just find it odd that you suggest coming here and then don’t actually participate,” I admit with a half shrug.

“Beneath the depths of these large bodies of water linger memories I would rather not be dredged to the light of day,” he says, chewing at his lip as though he was unsure whether to admit it.

I hold his gaze, the depth of them swirling with uncertainty.

Curiosity tingles on my tongue. Questions bubble in my throat.

I do my best to bite it all back.

Trying to pry anything out of Nate that he doesn’t want to share would make getting blood out of a stone look easy.

Instead, I try to bask in the happiness of simply being together without the threat of doom on our heels. That’s a rarity in itself.

I push myself from the bottom of the shallow water and rest my arms on his thighs to hold myself up, nestling between his legs. “At least let me give you something for being so patient while I enjoy the swim.”

“Considering your current position, I’m wondering where you plan to take this,” he implies with a teasing smile that sends a spark erupting in my stomach.

“Well, I was planning on a kiss, but if you—” My words fall short when he cups my face and chuckles.

“A kiss would satisfy me until the end of my days,” he says.

I smile as he leans down to close the gap. “I’ve never met anyone as poetic as you.”

“I was going for romantic.” His breath washes over my slick skin, my eyes fluttering closed.

“You managed it.” I barely get the words out before our lips merge. My hands tangle in his hair, drawing him in deeper as I desperately try to lift myself up to meet his kiss.

His hands draw a trail down my sides, his touch leaving hot, wet paths before he tugs me closer.

My tongue slides over his bottom lip. He tastes of sweet temptation, and I could quickly become an addict.

When we draw apart, his gaze is heavy on mine.

“You should probably get back to swimming. The sun will set soon enough,” he mumbles through deep breaths, brushing his fingers down my cheek.

I push away from the pier, lazing back into the waters, allowing the rush of pleasure to wash over me.

A smile so wide it almost makes my cheeks hurt remains on my lips for the rest of the day.



I know these aren’t canon but I think I’m going to just pretend this scene was an actual date they went on between books 3 and 4.


I’m loving this, is so good… but all I can think about is how blind my N-mancer is without his glasses during this whole thing 😂

Mina Murray

Ahh N master of pretty words and diversion. But we still love ‘em 🥰