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[GIF description: Loki from the original Thor movie flicking his gaze between two people]

I'm sure it'll be totally fine…*glances at Mason/Morgan*...Probably....

Hehehe! :D


Happy Succubus

Pleaaaasse, by this point my characters face is frozen permanently in this position

Shams Mammadbayli

I can feel him judging detective with his look even from here 😂


When are you expecting the release to be? Just wondering ^^ no pressure, I'm just VERY excited for the book 😁


verda's very lucky that it's my Nate mc that allowed him to discover the existence of supernaturals 😂


Ooooooh…. Poor, Verda 😂


Ooohoho it's going to be sweetly awkward haha! I can't wait to see what happens... I'll try not to make things worst 'cause I really appreciate Verda, but how can one not spice things up (if there's a "spice things up" option hehe...not a Mason/Morgan kinda spice up though lol)


This is going to be so interesting! So it’s Verda who knows about the supernaturals but he doesn’t know that eric knows (assuming) and then eric happens to invite the detective/their so or li over … the detective, who is likely closer to verda? (Again, all assumptions) Oh, I cannot wait for this chapter!


Oh dear. N is definitely the best to handle this situation, and M…is not.


Eric sitting there sweating lol


I do have a schedule, and I am hitting every goal, but I don't like to get specific just in case things happen!


You know I love a 'spice it up' option when I can throw them in! Some of my MC's just can't help those snarky one liners, hehe! :D


Verda told Eric about it (but obviously Eric was very aware, being a supernatural himself and all!), but Verda wasn't wholly aware of the dinner until like...the day before, hehe! :D


I wholeheartedly agree! <3 Even though M’s not likely to handle the situation with kid gloves, their insights and perspective are just as valuable and could be very helpful.