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"She/He/They is/are an amazing person, isn't/aren't she/he/they?" Tina states, flopping back against the sofa cushions with arms folded.

Adam/Ava's gaze instantly flicks towards the doorway to the kitchen. He/She can still feel the magnetic draw towards [Name], even at this distance.

"Yes," he/she replies simply. "He/She/They most certainly is/are."

She shifts forward again, her inability to sit still grating against Adam/Ava's last few nerves of the evening. 

They are all but shredded away completely as she leans closer with a curious narrowing of her eyes. 

"Interesting," she notes.


"That you knew who I was talking about."

Adam/Ava grits his/her teeth. "There are only three of us here. And unless you refer to yourself in a rather bizarre manner, I assumed you were speaking of the only other member of our party."

"Sure," she replies with an infuriating smile. 

Adam/Ava pinches the bridge of his/her nose. Surely it can't have been only two minutes since [Name] left the room.


Always good fun to test Adam/Ava's patience, and Tina's doing a great job at that, hehe! ;D



Tina has got your fucking number, A 😂😂


That's it, it is decided, A gets the first playthrough when this book is released. I cannot wait to read this dinner party scene.