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While editing the line, this is all I could imagine as my MC's reaction, lol! :D



MC: Say something romantic to me M: hey. MC:😍😍 We're all just too easy for M, let's be honest here.

littlegamingraven -

Tbh this is how I felt during the Christmas extra content when M said they came because we asked


Whenever M says or does anything vaguely sweet or romantic, my detective (and I) are always set adrift into a state of delighted wonder.


Yeah, I can only imagine how it will go and I already love it…and for some reason I find it funny? Haha but still love it 😊


I mean….yeah who are we kidding? Lool


My genuine/optimistic MC finds M sweet and romantic, no matter what they say. Suffice to say...M is SOO confused 😆🥰


I love how the MC can be like 'Oh wow...' and M is just like 'What?' *completely oblivious*, hehe! :D


It's so adorable. M will figure it out eventually. <3

Jamie-lee Poitras

Anything M makes my heart start racing 🏁

Outis Curiosa

Am I the only one whose MC is gonna pinch themselves first, just to be sure it's real ? 😂

Poppy O'Brien

I love how everyone is keen for themselves and their detectives to swoon, meanwhile my M-mancing detective also doesn’t realise they’ve both caught Feelings, so probably wouldn’t even notice the implied romance. I would, and I’d scream about it, but they definitely wouldn’t 😂


👀 Oooooh. Careful, M, your feelings are showing 💕


the feminine urge to make the detective oblivious and extra blind to any of M's romantic advantages that isnt sexual just for the angst and fustration


Me when M does literally anything other than be difficult with my M-mancer