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I hope everyone is having a great start to 2022!

It's been SO nice to get back to Wayhaven. I know a break is always good for a refresh and revive, but I'm seriously glad to dive back into Book Three!

I didn't waste time getting straight back into it with editing Chapter Ten, and also adding some scenes at the end that I thought of over Christmas break, hehe! :D 

Coming back to editing it was a good choice, as there was definitely a few small moments I'd forgotten about that was good to remind myself of in case I want to reference them in these new bits I'm adding at the ends.

I know it sounds weird, but I hope some people end up getting the 'fail' ending for this chapter! I really like how impactful some of the conversations feel, as well the fun quips you can have at the start with your LI depending on how your MC is feeling, lol!

The 'success' one is awesome as well, and it's nice that they are very different. You get a lot more of an active scene with that one, which is great fun coming off of the buzz the MC is one after winning!

Next week I have scheduled out for editing as well, though it will be a full edit of everything I have done so far. I've been saving up things people have sent me of bugs and things they've managed to catch in the demo (thank you so much for those, guys!), so I'll be adding those in, as well as catching up on the edits from SpunkyCat.

Next week will also be social media days, and I am super keen for that as I have a couple of series ideas on Patreon I've been desperate to get started for those!!

This year is the year I will finish Book Three, so it's seriously full steam ahead. I'm a little ahead of schedule, so that gives me a little wiggle room, but I just really want to keep ticking off those goals this year!

So here's to an amazing and productive 2022! :D


For Update+ this week there are two small snippets. I thought it was appropriate that these two contrasting moments for A's romance came up in the same chapter:


A hand comes to rest solidly on my shoulder. "Do not continue those thoughts, Detective. They help no one."

I look to him/her, the ache inside of me easing as he/she holds my gaze with soft eyes.


I've barely been awake ten seconds, and he/she already has me regretting waking up. "It wasn't exactly my choice."


A's romance certainly has the MC's heart swinging seriously one way and then the other sometimes, hehe! :D

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you soon! <3



Its been a good start so far im happy to say, i had a bad start to my xmas holiday as i was ill for the first week 👎 but 2 seasons of the witcher on netflix helped fix me up 😎 lol so far so good for 2022, really hoping its a good year for all 👍 looking forward to your weekly wayhaven updates of course, no matter what im doing as soon as it pops up on my phone everything stops while i read 🤣 have a very nice weekend 🙂


It's so great to hear how excited you are for 2022, Sera! This kind of attitude is infectious. Knowing this will be the year Wayhaven Chronicles Book 3 will be finished is just one more amazing thing to look forward to! I'm manifesting a ton of inspiration for you as well as some quality downtime in between work. Don't forget to recharge from time to time!


Aah, I really hope you're feeling better now! Is the second season of the witcher good? I still haven't managed to get through the first one yet, but want to jump straight into the second when I do if it's worth it!


I'm just SO seriously eager for you guys to get to see what's coming! I was editing some small romance moments today, and I just...aaahhh, I can't wait!! :D


I can't believe 2022 is the year!☆~°• I have been having a good year so far, and knowing Book 3 comes out this year makes it 100000000 times better!!!♡ I don't think we can thank you enough for the wonderful world you give us, Sera, we are thankful for all your hard work!♡♡♡ Also, I can't wait for all the A moments! I'm already melting uwu Have a wonderful day everyone, wish you all the best for 2022!☆♡•~°


I am feeling much better now 🙂 thank you for asking, and a big YES! the 2nd season is better than the first season, we even get a new song from jaskier 😁 (i still prefer the name 'dandelion') but yeah if you get time i highly reccomend it, the new season of cobra kai is really good to if your into that 👍


I'm loving all the positive vibes everyone is having in general for 2022! It already feels like a fantastic start to they year to be surrounded by such motivation and inspiration from others! Thank you &lt;3


Keep it up!!


Oh man, Cobra Kai was awesome this season. It's one of the best character-driven shows I've watched. But I still want to smack Daniel in the face with a rake--he's such a self-righteous, hypocritical douchebag!


🤣🤣 its his daughter sam that i cant stand, his son also, hmm i suppose the larusso family are not portrayed too good are they really lol

Bz E

Good ol' flippity floppity A, right?


So excited for chapter 10 and 2022! Keep up the hard and fantastic work! 💕 Miss these vampires !

jacob Mattingly

My two moods with A: *holding my breath* Or *nearly ripping my hair out* And I love it, A is by far my favorite.


No, they really aren't! My husband and I were discussing it and we think Sam may be a sociopath the way she hops back and forth between guys and doesn't seem to really care about losing them! I think the wife is the most likeable one in that family, lol.


Im so glad to see that its not just me who doesnt like her lol it must be on purpose though surely, they cant be writing her like this and expecting people to love her lol whos your fave character, its HAWK/Eli for me, with robbie in close 2nd

Twilight Katana

Oh A. Your ability to cause my MC dramatic mood changes is only out done by M's own. I still love you though!


Hey sera first of all, wayhaven my newest obsession, and I'm team M and F all the way. I hope this doesn't dip into spoiler territory, but if you don't choose M as a route will they find someone to love or will just be sex for them? Thank you so much


My favorite is Hawk/Eli... second favorite is Johnny. He cracks me up. And he's a good guy, he just has no filter and is refreshingly un-politically correct! I like him and Miguel's mom together. She's good for him. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about the show! I don't know many people who are into it!


I'm not Sera, but this may help you: https://seraphinitegames.tumblr.com/post/629519930688258048/hello-my-queen-i-just-read-the-demo-for-book#notes There will be love from M in the future. It's just going to take a very long time.


Thank you EvilChani and I'm sorry for the mix-up

Moss Valery

I have many characters, I will go through as many endings and routes as possible. I'm so excited! 🤩


‘I hope this doesn't dip into spoiler territory, but if you don't choose M as a route will they find someone to love or will just be sex for them?’ – Hi! I hope it’s okay to reply to you. I believe Mishka has confirmed before that when you are not on the other characters’ routes, they will not get into serious relationships with other characters in the series (unfortunately, I can’t find where she’s said this, so I hope I’m not misremembering). As for M specifically, she has said that if you are not on their route, they will continue to casually sleep around with others. You can read that here: https://seraphinitegames.tumblr.com/post/632147002411663360/

Tiffy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:11:48 Ah Mishka, I missed your optimism and positivity over the break, but I’m so glad you took that time for yourself (even though Wayhaven was still at the forefront of your mind the entire time). &lt;3 I’m just tingling all over with anticipation for everything coming this year, and I know you’re going to do amazingly! ‘I've barely been awake ten seconds, and he/she already has me regretting waking up.’ – Ten seconds? I don’t know what’s going on, but A is clearly asking an awful lot. I’m barely functional after ten minutes of being awake. XD I hope you’ve had a great weekend!
2022-01-09 19:50:00 Ah Mishka, I missed your optimism and positivity over the break, but I’m so glad you took that time for yourself (even though Wayhaven was still at the forefront of your mind the entire time). <3 I’m just tingling all over with anticipation for everything coming this year, and I know you’re going to do amazingly! ‘I've barely been awake ten seconds, and he/she already has me regretting waking up.’ – Ten seconds? I don’t know what’s going on, but A is clearly asking an awful lot. I’m barely functional after ten minutes of being awake. XD I hope you’ve had a great weekend!

Ah Mishka, I missed your optimism and positivity over the break, but I’m so glad you took that time for yourself (even though Wayhaven was still at the forefront of your mind the entire time). <3 I’m just tingling all over with anticipation for everything coming this year, and I know you’re going to do amazingly! ‘I've barely been awake ten seconds, and he/she already has me regretting waking up.’ – Ten seconds? I don’t know what’s going on, but A is clearly asking an awful lot. I’m barely functional after ten minutes of being awake. XD I hope you’ve had a great weekend!