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So, I know Unseen Scenes usually come later in the month, but I was really keen to get this one out! :D


Felix skips ahead of the others in order to reach the office first, only just managing to restrain himself from shoving Rebecca out of the way to get inside.

How could he not? That Rebecca could have a child never even occurred to him, so his eagerness to know what they’re like is so overwhelming he can barely contain himself.

He stumbles to a stop near the doorway as soon as he spies them. A small smile curves his lips.

Now that is a human.

Mason shoves him with an elbow between the shoulder blades to force him forward, so he stumbles to one side so as the others can trail in behind him. His gaze doesn’t leave the Detective once.

“Welcome to Wayhaven,” they offer with a smile that sets a fluttering buzzing through Felix. “I’m sure you’ll settle in fine here.”

“If they’re sticking with us, then I think we’ll be very fine,” Felix mumbles to Ava, who twitches slightly but manages to suppress the frown that obviously wants to overcome her.

The Detective, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to hear the comment, their attention focused on Nat who has introduced herself.

Felix shifts on the spot, eager for his turn, casting an inspecting gaze over the human while he waits.

They’re not what he was expecting. Not after being around Rebecca for a while now. But then he’s not had much interaction with humans outside of the Agency, so that could account for a lot of it.

But their heartbeat is steady, not erratic like most humans who are overcrowded by a new group. Even most supernaturals get antsy around strangers, especially that outnumber them.

He’s so engrossed in checking out, uh, examining the human, that he almost misses when the introduction with Nat is over.

Felix immediately fills the gap.

“I’m Felix. Felix Hauville,” he introduces, spilling every ounce of his considerable charm into his smile.

He licks at his top lip to stop a chuckle as the Detective’s heart speeds for a second.

“A true delight to meet you, Detective,” he continues, reaching out bring their fingers to his lips. He waits a moment in case they pull away, but then presses a kiss gently against their hand when they don’t.

“A delight to meet you, too,” they reply with a surprising confidence that draws Felix’s glimmering gaze up to theirs. A slight shiver passes through them and right into Felix, who sucks in a breath at the sensation.

“Felix!” Rebecca reprimands, snapping him out of his sudden hypnosis.

He steps back, letting their hand fall, but throwing a wink their way. “I think I’m going to like you, Detective.” He decides not to add ‘like you very much’ even if it’s what’s thrumming through his mind.

He steps back, ignoring the withering stare from Nat, mostly because he can’t keep his attention on anyone but [Name].

Well, this introduction has been a whole lot more fun than he thought!



Felix!! I always adore this sunshine boy 💛 100% guaranteed to make my heart melt! (which the almost spoken 'like you very much' definitely did hehe)

Taylor S.

“Now THAT is a human.”’ I love this so much 😅