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Another really great week this week!

So as I said last week, I'm tackling the research version of Chapter 8 first, and seeing as my usual order of writing was put out by not planning A's scene, I dove straight into N's.

Except...well, that went all off a completely different tangent than expected, lol!

The start was going exactly as I planned and then this HUGE opportunity presented itself to put in a scene that I thought was going to be in Book Four but it fit here SO perfectly!!

So then it was all a bit of a flummox 'cause it's so perfect but I wasn't expecting it quite yet, but guuuyyyyssss...I LOVE IT!!! In fact, I love what I'm writing so much that when I went to get a cup of tea I couldn't stay still while the kettle was boiling 'cause I was so hyped. I was practically bouncing round the kitchen, lol! :D

It's a massive moment, but it feels so incredibly natural. Well, if you decide to take that moment. Obviously there's different choices here depending on your MC, but even the other options lead to places I am seriously happy with and also feels right whatever you choose!

I wasn't 100% sure how I was going to approach this moment when it came up in Book Four, but because it's fit so well here it's just flowed, and I didn't even need to think about planning!

But even better, I will be able to match all the choices in this moment back up really nicely to work back into the original stuff I already planned for N's research scene, so I don't have to lose that content either!!

And I managed to think of how to adapt it for the Combat version of Chapter 8 so the moment can still happen but in a completely different way to suit that version of the scene!

It's a lot of variation, much more than I had planned, but I really hope the nuances will really allow you guys to play the story that feels right for your character.

I'm also super happy because I managed to fit in a choice set to improve the MC's skill choices too. I haven't managed to add that in in a while as it's never felt appropriate, and I thought this would just be for upping the combat or research stats, but I came up with a really nice moment to make a choice that didn't feel mechanical or gamey-like, if that makes sense!

So yeah, it's been a hectic week creatively but a great one! :D

With the demo fully out now, it will pretty much just be months of knuckling down to the same routine and just hammering out the writing...as well as editing, which I really am going to do! SpunkyCatNinja is currently working on getting proper subtitles up together for the YouTube Q&A vids, but I will send her Chapter 7 as soon as I can get in the right editing headspace.

But I'm way too pumped on Chapter 8 for that at the moment! 


For Update+ this week, a little sneak peek of a possible N moment to come...


It's not until I notice the heavy silence from ${nate} that my happiness wanes towards concern.

"Will you say something? Please?" I prompt.


Hope you all have the most amazing weekend, and I'll talk to you all soon! <3



It’s no news that A can be complicated, even if it’s to plan him up haha. But I’m glad things worked out and your writing is flowing, it’s always better when we are enthusiastic about what we do. 🥰

Linda Self

I love your enthusiasm as you write!! It makes me want to read it even more. As a N-mancer &amp; A-mancer, I look forward to seeing much more to come. Just tried the LT route in the demo &amp; oh how my heart breaks. Can't wait for more!


It's always so awesome to hear you feeling well and also so excited about your writing. I'm trying to get back into some of my own writings, and your passion for what you do is extremely inspiring. Can't wait to read the fruits of your labor in books three and four! 😁🤗

Skippy Hugo

It's a good feeling when things work out unexpectedly. And the SP is a good ambiguous moment. Is it angsty? Is it sweet? Is it surprising? Be good for peeps to find out once the book is released.


Having things click together is the best feeling in the world for any kind of writer. Proud of you, Mishka. Keep up the good work! ^^


Angst! Angst! Angst! Angst!🙌🏻 I already l o v e that N scene. Thank you for the update, Sera. So happy to hear how excited you are for the things to come &lt;3&lt;3


Reading how exited you were, Sera, for the upcoming chapters gets me hella exited!!! Hehe

Carolyn Williams

Oh, no, I bet MC accidentally used 'perfect' with N.


Ah. Now I'm curious what this massive moment is! Can't wait to read it.


ahhhh, i'm thinking its the big ILY scene! maybe this moment is for MCs who want to say it first? hence the silence from N, who is probably kinda shook and overwhelmed with emotion? :D just my guess! excited regardless to see this!!

Montana Jane

Ohhhh this makes me hyped! I'm so glad things are going so well in the writing department. Cannot wait to read it.


Oh girl you are hyping me just with your own hype cant wait to play the entire thing its gonna be so awesome!!!