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I tried to look for something behind the scenes this month, but everything was a bit too spoilery! But Nai is getting some lore stuff up together for me that I hope to give a glimpse of soon!

So instead, here's a slightly spoilery unedited snippet of one of the choices from A's route ;)


*if ((charming >= 75)or(sarcastic >= 75))

"Jealous?" I ask with a wink, expecting a roll of ${a_his} eyes in return or even a groan.

*goto chap7_jealousaq

*elseif ((friendly <= 35)or(charming <= 35))

"You almost sound jealous," I say, expecting a roll of ${a_his} eyes in return or even a groan.

*goto chap7_jealousaq


"Jealous?" I ask with a light laugh, expecting a roll of ${a_his} eyes in return or even a groan.

*goto chap7_jealousaq

*label chap7_jealousaq

Instead, I notice a flush of pink travel across ${a_his} cheeks, visible even in the moonlight.

*if (a_man = "man")

$!{a_she} flicks ${a_his} head away and runs ${a_his} hand over ${a_his} hair before down the back of ${a_his} neck. "We should head back to the warehouse."

We fall into step beside each other as we go.

*goto chap7_povagoodchoice2


$!{a_she} flicks ${a_his} head away and pushes back a lock of hair that's fallen loose of her tight bun. "We should head back to the warehouse."

We fall into step beside each other as we go.

*goto chap7_povagoodchoice2


Hope that was readable with all the coding! :D

This is only from one choice, it's also from one version of this scene, so you may not get it and end up with an entirely different choice set if you trigger the other version!


Montana Jane

Stoic Du Mortain Blushing and jealous! Yeah, please!🥰


Oh myyyy is our A jealous? 👀Blushing? 👀 As if I weren’t looking forward for book three enough hehehe