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An unseasonal warmth blankets the Square, even with the sky overhead bruised with the colours of dusk. Thankfully, I don’t need a torch quite yet, which means our stealthy task can continue without bringing attention.

But my task is on hold as I watch Adam. With my lips pursed, I arch a brow and track him with my gaze as he strides in a strict grid pattern around the Square, reaching up high or stretching down low to dot bright paper mache eggs in far too difficult hiding places.

“I can feel your judgement upon me, Detective,” he says after a moment, pausing to turn to me with a trace of smile making his green eyes glisten in the shadow.

I hold up my hands, the egg-filled basket I hold in one of them swaying slightly in my grasp. “It’s not judgement, it’s just…well, this easter egg hunt is mostly going to be for kids.”

He folds his arms, his own basket bouncing against his solid stomach, but he ignores it to stare at me. “I am aware.”

“Are you? Really?” I make my way closer towards him, angling forwards. My body almost presses against his, and I can feel the sharp breath of air he lets out at my proximity. But all I do is reach around and jab a finger up towards where an egg has been balanced between a crack in the building behind.

He turns to face it and shrugs. “It is well concealed.”

“Yes, I know. Way, way too well concealed. There’s no way a kid is going to be able to see it let alone reach it,” I state.

Another breath eases out of him, the feel of it dancing across my neck and making me shiver.

“If they do not have to work for it, then it is not a challenge,” he replies.

I rub at my forehead and close my eyes for a moment. “It’s a fun game, Adam. Not a trial.”

“How will they feel a sense of accomplishment or victory if all they have to do is reach out and take what they want?” he asks.

My mouth goes oddly dry. “Sometimes, it’s good just to be able to reach out and have what you want.” The words breathe over my lips in a way that sends a skittering of uncertainty through my stomach.

But that skitter turns to a flutter when his eyes pierce into mine, his gaze tracing every line of my face, the sensation so intense it’s as though it leaves small pecks of kisses against my cheeks.

“Is that what you would do, Detective?” His voice softens, drawing me a step closer. His hands shift forward just an inch, hovering near me and causing a surge of longing to erupt through every part of my body. “Is that how you would win?”

“It’s not all about winning.” My own fingers ache with the tension of keeping them planted at my sides, the urge to reach out and yank him close an almost overbearing yearning vibrating through them.

His fingertips whisper against the backs of my hands. My eyes flutter closed, a sigh escaping me as a warmth explodes across my skin.

“How do you know I deserve what it is I want?” he mutters.

When I open my eyes, his focus has dropped to the featherlight touch of his fingers brushing against my hands.

Blood pumps a frantic rhythm in my ears, and I open my mouth to reply.

But he withdraws, swinging away and plucking down the egg that had started this whole conversation.

“I will do a better job at hiding it,” he states.

“The egg?” I croak out, my body weak from the sudden draining of emotions he had spurred inside of me.

A hollow smile catches his pale lips. “That too.”

He marches away, disappearing into the gloom.




*screams in incoherent pain and frustration* (but the good kind)


MY LOVE NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! THIS HURT SO BAD BUT SO GOOD!!! He deserves all the happiness in the world oh my god 🥺🥺🥺