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“Are you at least going to wear a bunny tail?” Morgan asks, leaning against my desk with a growing smile.

I shake my head as I tidy up the messy patchwork of files covering my keyboard. “I’m not wearing any kind of costume. I’m just going to show support for the town’s events. In this case, the easter egg hunt.” My gaze flicks up with a smile of my own. “Sorry. I mean we are going to show our support.”

She rolls her eyes and almost topples back.

I chuckle, walking out around my desk and making to grab my jacket. “Not looking forward to it, sunshine?”

“Spending hours surrounded by stuffy officials, screaming children, and a crowd of strangers? What do you think?” she snarks, twisting around to perch against the edge of my desk.

I tug on my jacket and step back towards her with a flutter of concern in my chest. “If it’s going to be too much, then you don’t have to go.”

“But you’re going to be there,” she states, standing up and strutting towards me.

“As we’ve established,” I reply with a half-smile.

She draws in a long breath, stops an inch in front of me and then slides her hands into the pockets of my jacket to tug us close together. “Then I’ll be there.”

“You’re going soft in your old age,” I comment with a soft laugh.

She leans close, her lips almost brushing against mine, and holds my gaze. “I’d be happy to prove you wrong in so many ways, sweetheart/handsome.”

I’m about to shake my head at the suggestion when her lips envelop mine.

I moan into the kiss, the smoky taste of her exploding inside my mouth as her tongue runs across my bottom lip. My fingers twist into her hair, deepening the kiss, our breaths mingling as though unwilling to draw away for even the slightest second.

My mind is blank to anything but the feel of her: the softness of her lips but the firmness of her kiss, her fingers gripping at me through my coat and guiding our hips together, the slight desperate groan that escapes her as I pull away a little before she softens again when I meet her kiss once again.

When we finally draw apart, I almost sway on the spot at the headiness of the moment, a sprinkling of colourful stars flashing across my vision.

She takes a step back, rolling her lips together, her eyes glazed.

“What was that for?” I ask, my voice husky not only from the kiss but the lack of breath, my heart thundering inside my chest making it difficult to breathe for a moment.

“Do I need a reason?” she asks.

I eye her carefully before chuckling. “Well, usually the reason is to get me into bed. So, I’m guessing you’re trying to postpone heading over to the Easter egg hunt for a while?”

A pinch of a frown tugs at her features before she smooths out the expression.

She wraps an arm about me and tugs me towards the doorway. “Let’s go.”

I arch a brow but don’t protest, only enjoying her continued touch against me as I return the motion.

“Is everything all right?” I ask as we reach the glass doors of the station.

Her usual cool has returned, a familiar smirk even easing onto her lips. “I’m still just hoping you’ll have to wear a bunny tail.”

I laugh as we walk together out into the warm spring sunshine.



Mica Ottaviani

Man, soft Morgan is my absolute favourite. She stole my heart ❤️


Sorry Ava but Morgan and I are running away to have little pointy teeth babies together!




Farah has my heart but soft Morgan is so cute!


My detective would be SO down to wear a bunny costume for Morgan, raunchy or otherwise lol (but would probably surprise her dressed in an overtly creepy Easter bunny mascot costume for the laughs)


Soft Morgan and bunny tails, a grand combination


"A pinch of a frown tugs at her features..." Oh OH! I get it! (no waaaaay)

Skippy Hugo

The detective chuckles quite a bit I'm finding.

Armand Berry

As per usual, your writing is amazing! Morgan is amazing! Soft Morgan is amazing! I feel bad that her hyper senses would be an issue for her here tho. My MC would want to really comfort her no matter what in this instance.

Eldritch Wizard

I don't know why, but even after seeing what Morgan looks like, I still see her in my minds eye looking like Raven from Teen Titans.


Oh man, there's actually a story behind why this is :D Years ago (and I mean many years, lol!) I read a fiction writing book that was supposed to help improve writing. But at one point it talked about appropriate characterisation and the example used was that women don't chuckle, so female characters shouldn't do it. Well, that didn't sit well with me at all, so I just made EVERYONE chuckle, LOL!!! Now it's ingrained habit I seriously struggle to stop, all because I got stubborn to a piece of writing advice :D

Skippy Hugo

Ok, I admit. Doing things that people tell you not to do is such a power trip.


I really need to remember to check here more often. 😩 I love ittttt, I love the sneak peak of seeing M start to realize they feel more for the detective. Oof,I can't wait for Avas.