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So this is kind of spoilery, as it totally gives away some characters that are making a reappearance, but I was having way too much fun with the variations for the characters in this scene not share a little, hehe :D


Choice: Laugh hollowly. "I guess I should feel honoured then."

I attempt a laugh, but it's hollow and strained. "I guess I should feel honoured then, if they're all coming together just to meet me."

*if ("elidor")

"You should," Elidor says in a surprisingly blank tone.


*elseif ("tapeesa")

"Do you not?" she asks, genuine confusion pinching her thin brows together.


*else ("vieno")

"I'm not sure I'd feel honoured. I'd feel way more like crapping my pants," they admit, spreading their hands out on the table top.


I'm seriously loving writing these characters again, hehe :D Obviously this scene will differ depending on which character you end up with as well as the choice you pick for this scene!

Hope you enjoyed the sneaky peek! <3



Vieno I love you so much. I love them all but Vieno's response was the best.

Katie B

Ahhh Vieno! Hey buddy! I’m all 👀👀👀 about who we might be meeting