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Another buzzing week this week!

I got so much written, and I love what I wrote! 

So, in this chapter, there's a skill choice set (you can pick a people-based, combat-based, etc), but unlike in Book One where it was the same choices for each LI and they just reacted differently, I actually came up with a different people-based choice for each LI scene, a different tech-based choice, etc, and each of those obviously has their own pass or fail state versions.

It's A LOT, but I just am buzzing because it makes the scene feel so much more individual to the LI and the moment they are in with the MC! Also, it will add to freshness as people replay! Like playing a nearly different version of the same chapter!

It's just exactly how I always wanted these games to be, and I get to write them exactly that way!!! 

I know I say things like this all the time, but it never loses its value or excitement for me! Every time I finally get to bring one of these big variation pieces to life it's like a drug and I just wanna do even more, lol! :D 

I'm also having a blast writing the 'fail' versions! So the moments that happen if you don't pass the stat check. I want them to be just as fun and impactful as the 'pass' versions, but I always get to go more fun for the failed versions and a good dollop of humour in there to lighten up the moment, hehe!

But for specifics of what I got done, I finished Nate/Nat's scene, including the 'aftermath' scene, which was…very different to write for that romance!

I also finished Adam/Ava's scene, including the aftermath, but obviously a very different type of aftermath than N's because they have varying scenes and dramatic moments.

(The line of dialogue for A after their first choice set in their scene gives me goosebumps! In the best way :D)

And then I started on M's scene and got their first choice set completed (the second choice set in the LI scene is the skill-based one)!

I also got the first round of edits for Chapter 5 from SpunkyCat and did those. I'm trying to do those as she sends them, instead of letting them build-up and having to do hours and hours at the end. We'll see if I can keep that up. I tend to get too invested in writing to remember I still have to do those, lol!

Chapter Six is coming along a lot smoother than Chapter 5, so that's always motivating!

So yeah, a great week overall!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a small moment of Adam/Ava deciding to try flirting…of course it's in the middle of battle, because that's how A rolls :D


$!{adam}'s soft laugh is far more genuine than mine and sends my confidence up yet another notch. "How unusually optimistic of you."

"Well, there's never a bad time to start," I reply with a shrug.

"I suppose I wouldn't have picked this precise moment, but I agree to some extent." I can hear the smile on ${a_his} words and wish, more than anything, that I could see it.


This is within a choice, within a variation (based on the optimist stat), so you may get slightly different versions of this dialogue, or not see it at all if you don't pick that choice :D

Hope you all have a brilliant weekend, and I'll talk to you soon! <3


Erin Hayes

I’m so glad to hear everything is going well! I can’t wait to see more of what A considers to be flirting 😂


Sera you are a writing fiend! Make sure you take all the breaks you need!! I am very excited to get to play chapters 5 and 6 tho! SoMeone has a bakery scene they need to make up for!!


Yay! I'm so excited! Every little snippet of A's reactions gives me life &lt;3 Chapter 5 updates sounded like a lot and now you're going even more in depth with the 6th chapter. Damn, Sera, your dedication to your writing doesn't fail to amaze me.


Your excitement is contagious. I have to admit my curiosity has gone into overdrive over the idea of what you're doing with this chapter!

Thomas Fieldburn

I'm intrigued. And if book 2 was anything this should be worth the wait. Happy v. Day BTW


As a former game design student really into narrative design, I love hearing about little technical details like that and how you plan out the events and branching. Your code is so clean and neat !


Just replayed both games, to try and make a shy A romance, cause my MC is usually bold. Can't wait to be able to save and import all these MC to play book 3!! I just love your work!!


The tailoring for MC choices makes me really excited! 💚 Thanks Mishka!


Every time you post these I just wanna play it more I didn't think that was possible at this point 😭


A tech-based option catered to N? A people based one catered to M? Very intriguing/entertaining! :D


Tbh I will never not find the image of N treating their phone as some disgusting alien bug absolutely hilarious.


LOL same. i bet N just squints at it the entire time and complains about hitting all the wrong buttons when they're trying to type something


FLIRTING???? oh my...... oh my oh my


Anyways Im crying thanks


Aah, thank you! I've worked really hard on my coding for Book Three. Book Two was mess, lol! But I've learnt so much and am still constantly learning!


This 100%. Alexa (my MC for Adam's route) is currently frustrated at the end of Chapter 4 while Lisbeth (my MC for Mason's) is in tears. Both my babies need some hugs and kisses right now.