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“So, do you have anything planned with your drop-dead gorgeous lady?” Tina asks, doing a good job at holding her green-eyed envy in check behind a heavy sigh.

I chuckle. “We’ve got a little something planned, yeah.”

“What a surprise. That woman’s so perfect it gives me major self-esteem issues.”

It’s hard to disagree with that statement.

“It’s not all roses and Valentine’s,” I reply. “Relationships do take work.”

“But I bet the work is worth it for someone like her, right?” she asks, leaning against my desk.

“I just hope she thinks the same for me,” I say, a strange worry overcoming my words that I didn’t realise had been buried inside of me.

She rests a hand on my arm. “[Name], I’ve seen how she looks at you. How completely in love with you she is. There’s no doubt about it.”

I smile and nod. “Thanks.”

The door to the station swings open, Nat strolling inside in a deep green satin gown that accentuates her lean figure in the way only expensive material can.

Mine and Tina’s mouths both fall open.

“Can I rent her for a night?” Tina murmurs.

I shove her gently. “Tina!”

“Sorry, but I mean…jeez…” She only drools a little bit.

I chuckle, standing from my place and gathering up my things. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She nods, her eyes still firmly glued to Nat’s almost painfully beautiful features through my office window.

Heading out into the station, a smile instantly lifts her lips as she sees me.

“I’ve been waiting all day for this moment,” she says, striding closer to plant a kiss on my lips that almost steals my breath away. I draw her closer and return the gesture, planting a kiss of my own on the sensitive skin of her neck before pulling away.

Her eyes flutter open. “I hope that means you’ve been eager to see me too?”

“You have no idea how much.” I step back to take in the full effect of her. “I’m not dressed yet though.”

“Your clothes mean little when it’s what’s underneath that counts.” She fumbles, rubbing a finger down her long nose before clearing her throat. “I meant that in a romantic sense, not how it actually came out.”

I break into a grin. “Are you blushing? That’s not like you Agent Suavewell.”

She lets out a laugh that fills the station with its warm sounds. “What can I say? You make me nervous. It’s an unusual feeling, to be left so exposed and uncertain around someone.”

“A bad feeling?” I ask.

She gazes at me, smoothing her fingers down my neck, then letting them dance down my arm before taking my hand. “Not in the slightest. You can take me off-guard anytime you wish.”

“I’m guessing the innuendo was intended on that one?”

Her lips slide into a tempting half smile. “Completely.”

“Would you two leave already?” Tina yells from my office. “I feel lonely enough without you two shoving it in my face.”

Nat tries to hide her smile. “Apologies, Officer Poname. We shall leave immediately. Have a good evening.” She waves at her.

Tina scoffs loud enough it echoes into the main station. “Not as good a night as you two, apparently.”

I chuckle. “See you later.”

We then head out together, any worries or reservations I had before draining away as we wrap our arms around each other.


Outside, the last fingers of winter trail over my skin, and I shiver. "I was half-expecting a horse and carriage to be waiting."

She chuckles. "After last year's spectacle, I thought maybe you would enjoy something slightly more lowkey."

"I appreciate that," I mumble as I lean against her. "But an extra coat might have been nice."

A smile slides over her lips. "If you need warming up, [redactedpetname], you only have to ask."

A slight nod of my head, and I find myself pressed back against the wall, the bricks cold even through my jacket, but barely seeping into the sudden burst of heat over my skin. The temperature only rockets up further as her lips find purchase against my collarbone, sucking and nibbling until I could be completely naked and be the temperature of lava against the chill air.

"We'll miss our reservation…" I mutter, dragging her head close to taste her lips on mine and turning us around to push her back.

She uses the wall as balance in order yank me close up against her, her hand running up my inner thigh. "Are you really thinking about food right now?"

I moan as her fingers caress higher. "Definitely not anymore."

We missed out reservation by half an hour, but it was well worth it.




Where is Tina's SO though. :( She deserves the best. How nice would it be if we would one day tease her about her relationships, too?

Jason Bond

Just ran across this. Wow! Love it when Nat acts confidently.