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This month's Q&A is now out! 

We had great fun with this one! :D 

Though I did manage to slip with a bit of a spoiler...but there's also a fun anecdote about Adam/Ava's awkward charms at the end to make up for it, hehe!


I seriously hope you enjoy and that it can bring some fun to your day :)

Also, I saw this picture on Pinterest, which seems very relevant to this month's Q&A (as well as writing in general), lol!


Katie Williams

Wonderful as always 💕💕💕 These are such a highlight thank you for doing them for us!! Edit: Oh that Anecdote about A! 🤣💕


Yay! I'm excited for the new Q&A. Thank you guys!

Thomas Fieldburn

Good grief you two are adorable. You should try podcast format.


I have to go to work now, but I can't wait to watch it later! I loved the first one so much!

Mina Murray

Love these so much 💜


You guys are so sweet!! I need to come to the UK when this is over and snatch y’all up you’re so cute!


I love listening to you two talk about Wayhaven. You have such wonderful chemistry and you're both adorable. Thank you for doing this, it really brightens my day!


Can we ask questions here or in youtube comments? I dont really use tumblr.


You ladies are so cute!!! Your excitement is so infectious! ❤😊


You can PM here, or leave them in the comments (sometimes Patreon isn't the best at notifying me about comments, so PM might be better!) :)