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“Hey…” The whispered word floats into my sleepy state, but I ignore it and roll over in bed, dragging the cover up further around my ears.

“Hey…” The voice penetrates my slumber again, and this time I crack open an eye.

“What the…!” I flinch backwards and only just catch myself from falling out of bed.

Farah smiles at me, her face an inch from mine. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” I croak, finding my voice as my heart slows to a normal rate again. “What are you doing up already?” My hand smooths over Farah’s side of the bed, the sheet cold and the duvet tidy.

“I was up ages ago,” she replies with a wave of her hand. “You know what today is, don’t you?”

I let my head fall back onto the pillow. “’Give your partner a heart-attack as soon as they wake up’ day?”

“No, I think that’s next week.” She grins. “It’s Valentine’s!”

I blink myself further awake, her enthusiasm rolling like waves of sunshine from her. “Already? Wasn’t it just New Year?”

“Don’t be grumpy. You know I do this every year,” she replies with a pout.

I chuckle, grabbing her collar to tug her closer and kiss her. She tastes like the warmest summer day.

“I know. And I love it,” I reply, the kiss having helped jolt some energy into my body. “So, what have we got planned for today?”

She flops onto the bed beside me, stretching her legs out beside me, a list grasped in one hand. A selection of brightly-coloured, hand-drawn love hearts surround the words.

I nestle up closer to her to look over it. “You think we’re going to fit this all into one day?”

“Mostly,” she says, examining the list with a tilt of her head. “We can skip any you don’t want to do.”

I wrap an arm about her. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t mind what we do.”

She beams down at me. “Already in the romantic mood?”

“What can I say? You inspire me.”

“Okay, so we’ll start with a romantic breakfast.” She points to the top of the list. “Provided by Nate, ‘cause there’s no way I’m cooking anything that tastes like what you want to eat.”

I shake my head with a smile. “All right. Then what?”

“A pleasant stroll around the cove,” she replies, her finger sliding down the page to the next item on the list.

“And what if there was something I wanted to add to that list?” I ask, tugging the paper from her hand and leaning across her lap to place it on the side table.

“I mean, I worked hard planning it all, but sure…I guess I can take suggestions,” she jokes, her eyes glittering and drawing me deeper into them.

I run my hand up her thigh. “I was thinking of a lazy morning in bed before we got to the breakfast part.”

Her gaze drops to my touch, her tongue wetting her lips before she rolls them together. “And when you say lazy—”

“I actually mean kind of active.” I work my fingers further up her leg before slipping my hand beneath her shirt.

“Screw the list! This idea totally works for me!”

I let out a laugh as she nuzzles her face into my neck, tickling my skin with light kisses, her hands roaming freely over me.

And I know I will never be more in love.




I love my deep brooding ava but dang, Farah is such a light easy love. Like, how can your resist this! ♡♡

Jason Bond

Awww! I'm a Nat man but what Raychill said.