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The Wayhaven Chronicles featured in Tumblr's year end review!!

It came #44 in the video games list!

I am still buzzing, you have no idea!!!!! :D

Thank you SO much to all those that sent congrats messages (and alerted me to the fact it was on there, hehe!)!

So yeah, that certainly made my week bright! (Along with the teaser trailers for Dragon Age and Mass Effect dropping...what a week!!!!)

This week, I tried to catch up on social media, as well as making sure I have everything ready for Christmas break.

Then I managed to get back to chapter five, where I decided I really needed to rewrite one whole scene. What I wrote before was good, but what I'm writing now is good!

I also want to add one of my 'floating scenes' onto the end of the scene I finished last week.

Basically my 'floating scenes' are scenes that I would like to fit into the story but that don't work when I plan out the game. So I have a list of scenes I would like to fit in if the narrative allows, and a perfect space and lead in just opened up for one of them!

It's a scene where UB finally get to see how the MC and Rebecca kind of react and interact to each other when the focus isn't entirely on work. A much more personal moment.

But, speaking of Christmas break, my break is actually going to start on 18th December, but I've decided this year to begin a social media and internet break early from today.

I just...I really want to write, you guys :D Like just full on writing, no doing anything but falling into Wayhaven and escaping there and writing, writing, and writing!

Everything on social media is prepped and ready to go, so I haven't left you in the lurch or with nothing to see!

There's an ask and a matchup for every weekday on Tumblr over my Xmas break (everyone who has sent in match ups, I will still be doing them, it will just be when I get back!).

Patreon is all scheduled with the Christmas special scenarios, the extra bits as usual, as well as a special sneak peek for Xmas day ;D I won't be around on Patreon messages or comments (I will answer asap when I get back though!), but I will still be doing Patreon reward messages once a day (I'm starting to catch up there. I'm so so sorry for delays in people getting their emails!)

It's not that I don't want to interact with you guys, but this year has really been a year, lol. And I just want to get back to the reason I started this in the first place (my intense love of creating!) for a bit before I go into my break. Set my head right, fall in love with some vampires as I write, and really just bury myself and indulge in the variations and branches that I love bringing to life!

I will be back on social media on Monday 4th January!

Until then, I hope you all have an amazing holiday season (or just a wonderful December for those that don't celebrate!), and I will talk to you all in 2021! <3


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share the lead in to the Rebecca scene I was talking about....

She pauses mid-step as she stares over the scene in front of her. "I apologise, I didn't realise…." She hesitates on her words when she notices me. "I didn't realise you were eating."

"It's fine," ${adam} replies.

"You should sit down and join us," ${nate} suggests with a smile, pointing to a spare seat.

Rebecca's focus slides to meet mine.



Carolyn Williams

Merry Christmas, Sera! Hope you get absolutely spoiled this year and have a chance for some much-deserved rest and relaxation. Other Wayhaven fans: happy holidays and a joyous new year!


Merry christams in advance and thank you so much for creating this amazing world for us . I cant wait to read book 3 im currently replaying the first two (again 😅) . See you in 2021!!

Michael Reddy

Congratulations on the top 50 placing ... I think I speak for everyone when I say we are all very proud of you 👏🏻 Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

Brittany B.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Mishka! Enjoy your break! I hope it feels both relaxing and fun. 😄❤🎄 Also... when Rebecca says they're eating, does that mean we actually get to see UB feed orrrrrr are they tolerating human food? That's the real question here!

Mica Ottaviani

Happy Holidays Mishka! And congrats! I hope you enjoy your social media break. You definitely deserve it! Much love to you and your family xxx


You enjoy your break, Mishka! It has definitely been... a year. So happy holidays! Happy early birthday! And we will see you in 2021! ❤️


I didn't know you played dragon age too!!!! Eeeek I'm so excited 😊

Lourdes Ramos

Happy Holidays! Enjoy your break!


Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Enjoy your holiday and deserved rest! 🎁☺️

Akaravin Arunyanart

Hope you'll enjoy your holidays that you deserved, Mishka! And I didn't even know about the trailers, thank you for the news xD