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I glare up at the top branch of the towering Christmas tree. The tinsel and baubles shiver as though feeling the intense annoyance that radiates out from me.

With my arms folded and a frown on my face, I twist my head around to stare at Ava.

“So, you’re not going to help at all?” I ask.

She slowly turns the page of the book spread on her lap, her gaze remaining focused on it. I have no idea how she’s able to read the tiny words with the room practically plunged into darkness, except for the glow of the fairylights.

“You and Felix requested that beast. Now you must cope alone in decorating it since he has abandoned you to the task,” she replies.

I sag with a roll of my eyes. I mean, she’s not wrong. The minute Felix and I saw the gargantuan tree on the lot, we just had to have it, even against everyone else’s protests.

But still…

I huff out a breath. Fine. I take on supernaturals and bad guys on a daily basis. I can handle getting the top of this tree decorated.

A slight twinge of doubt knots in me, but I push it down and grab up the bauble before stepping warily onto the sofa. The cushion sinks beneath my foot making stepping on it a little more difficult than intended.

Ava’s gaze finally flickers up from her book as I begin to balance on the edge of the sofa arm. “What do you think you are doing, Detective?”

“Decorating the tree. Alone,” I reply in a terse tone. I wobble as I reach for the tallest bushy tree branch, but I catch my balance again and give a smile.

Ava is frowning at her book, trying her hardest not to look as though she’s concerned. Her fingers rub small circles at her temple.

Stretching forward, I bite at my lip in concentration and zero in on the branch.

The bauble’s ribbon catches on a pine needle…and holds!

I swing back and balance with skill on the sofa arm, with no small amount of pride lighting my face brighter than the fairy lights.

The pride falls to horror as I watch the tree begin to tip with a creak.

“Oh shi—”

But the tree’s crashing descent is halted in an instant as a blur flashes from the window seat. Ava catches the trunk with a grimace and holds it in place.

I exhale a breath and clamber down from the sofa. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. But will you please set it properly.” She winces and fidgets on the spot. “The needles are quite uncomfortable.”

I drop to the floor and scoot my body under the tree, baubles massaging my back as I try to screw the trunk tighter into the base. “Done.”

When I wiggle my way free of the tree, I bounce to my feet and smile over at Ava in gratitude. But my gaze falls on the sore redness that flushes down the pale cream skin of her arm.

“Are you all right?” I ask, reaching out to take her hand so as I can see the irritation closer.

“I…,” she stutters. “I will be.”

The rash disappears before my eyes, leaving only the perfection of Ava’s skin on display. I don’t think I’ll ever get over that healing ability.

I step even closer towards her, her wrist caught in my grip, as I stare down at where the soreness had been only moments before.

“That’s incredible,” I mutter, smoothing my fingers over the area.

A shudder of breath sounds from Ava at my touch, washing over my face and forcing me to look at her.

Her eyes darken with a need I’ve only ever wished I could see from her. My hand spreads further over her arm, sliding over the solid muscle before my fingers pressing against her wrist. Her heart thunders beneath my fingertips.

“You can cease your examination.” Her voice is hoarse and almost growled. It sends a heat racing through me. “I am well.”

“I’m not examining you,” I reply.

A hint of a smile curves her pale lips. “What do you expect to happen here, Detective?”

I arch a brow. “It is Christmas. Miracles happen at this time of year, you know.”

Her amusement fades, her eyes gazing into mine in a way that steals my breath and makes me dizzy. She raises a hand, her fingers slide down the side of my neck before resting against my shoulder. My pulse pounds so loud I can hear it echoing through my ears.

“Miracles?” she mumbles. She leans forward, her lips so close to my ear that even the idea of the touch almost has me moaning. “You are the only miracle I need.”

I blink a few times as the words process before I swing around to watch as she draws quickly away from me.

She picks up her book from the sofa, hesitates at the doorway, and then storms out, slamming the door with force behind her.




YOU ARE THE ONLY MIRACLE I NEED AHHHHHH. brb repeating that line forever 😭❤️



Mica Ottaviani

OH MY GOD MY HEART. Ava why won't you let me smooch you? 😭


And here i thought it would happen hahaha should have known better. Its killing me XD but it will be ho so much rewarding when it does 🤞.


Man that ending was such a tease lol. I wait on seeing her actually giving in to her emotions and love us. But as always 20/10

Thomas Fieldburn

You're the only miracle I need? It's nice to find a writer who can throw small surprises into her work. Imma have the feels for a few hours. Well done Mishka


that ending!! I am deceased


Ahh Ava! You—! Imma—! Love this!


This was so nice!! Thank you for taking the time to write these nice holiday stories!

Joe Löwenadler

Man, I love the slow burn of this romance! She's getting there! thank you so much for this gift, I'm looking forward to the other three tremendously already! Keep up the great work and remember to get some rest during the holidays! Your writing is such a boon to us all!


This WOMAN, the fact that she can say something that SOFT and still slam the door behind her.... Ava smh


Ah, I love Ava.