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Nat’s voice fills the space of the living room with its deep but sweet tones. I’ve completely forgotten what the title of the book she’s reading is or even what it’s about. All I’ve been focused on for the past hour is the completely captivating way she reads and the stunning way her eyes light up with joy as she does.

The fire had flickered out to vibrant embers a while ago, but I didn’t want to spoil the moment to stir it back into life. Plus, we are warm enough cuddled together on the sofa with a soft checked blanket thrown over our laps. 

“Is this boring you?” Nat asks suddenly, worry evident on her brow. She lifts the aged book into the air with a sigh. “I knew I shouldn’t have insisted on reading it.”

I chuckle. “I’m not bored in the slightest. Though you might have to give me a summary of it at the end ‘cause I was a bit distracted.”

“Distracted?” she asks, as though unable to think of anything other than focus on the book. “By what?”

I lean close to kiss her gently on the lips. “I think that should be kind of obvious.”

A smile lifts her frown instantly. “Oh, I see.” She gently closes the book and slides it onto the side table with care before looking back to me. “Now that’s a distraction I fully endorse. But if you’ve had this long to appreciate me, I feel it’s only fair I get to do the same.”

She places a kiss on my temple, another on my cheek, then on my jawline, before curling down the collar of my jumper to—very slowly—kiss the top of my chest.

I roll my lips together to savour the slight thrill that pulses through me at the intimate contact. 

“What about your book?” I ask, as she moves to meet my eyes with a dark, tempting gaze that almost makes my voice hitch.

She tilts her head, a curtain of glossy waves framing her face. “I think I would much prefer to read every inch of you, if you’d allow.”

“At this point, I think you know every inch of me pretty well,” I say with a laugh, but still tugging her closer so as to make my eagerness known.

She rests her forehead against mine. “But ours is my favourite story, and I will never tire reading about the best character.”

I blink before a smile curves my lips that I can’t stop. “I wish you weren’t so damn smooth all the time. Makes it hard to seduce you.”

“[Redacted petname], you merely have to look at me and I’m wholly yours.”

Well, that did it.

I yank her close and practically crush my lips over hers with my sudden need. 

We’re halfway through tearing each other’s clothes off when Nat’s precious antique tome flops to the floor, the impact crumpling its pages.

Neither of us notice.




Stayed up super late waiting for the release of this even if I had jury duty. I'm on lunch break now and it has been the best lunch break of my life thank you so much!


I can’t tell if she’s actually innocent or that’s just a ploy and she’s really a freak in the sheets 🤣 I love it