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Writing all the relationship and being in a relationship stuff has been awesome! (Sorry for rubbing it in A-mancers :D) But sometimes, the scenes where you're not in a relationship are still so delicious to write!

When things are this deep but you're still not together? Add in Felix/Farah, who is so not gonna hold back on how they feel because 'honesty is the best policy'?

*chef's kiss*



"I hope you can." This time ${f_she} can't move any closer without us pressing up against each other…not exactly something I would mind either. "I mean, I would want to deprive you of my company. I know how much you enjoy it." $!{f_she} throws a grin and a wink my way, but there's a slight hitch to ${f_his} words. 


#Break into a smile. "Humble, aren't you?"

I can't help the smile which breaks across my lip. "Humble, aren't you?"

"Pfft. Please," ${f_she} says with a dismissive wave of ${f_his} hand. "I'm honest, and you know it." Another wink that sends a shiver of pleasure rolling through me.

Thankfully, I keep the reaction from showing on my face. "It's lucky you're so charming."

"Not everyone thinks I am," ${f_she} tilts ${f_his} head but keeps the grin. "And I only care about if you think I am."

"And why is that?" My words come out breathy as ${f_she} dares to bridge that already tiny gap between us.

"Because I like you." $!{f_his} eyes dance over my face, ${f_his} hands hovering near me. "You know, really a lot."


Hope you enjoyed it! <3



Truly how someone could resist starting a relationship w F is beyond me, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to 😂 Especially when they do stuff like this


It took me a bit to realise that this was perhaps an option if the relationship hadn't started yet. F is so wonderful, I couldn't do that. Way too charming to turn down! 🥰