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Exciting week this week! Felt like I was on a high right from the start :D

I have SO many variations going on now but oh my word I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!

I was writing Mason/Morgan's split scene, and the MC and M are having a conversation, and I could just make it SO organic and flowy! Like, 'did the MC talk about that with them in Book Two? Well, now they're going to mention it here because it fits.' Or 'Oh, you didn't know that from the earlier convo? Well it's suddenly going to be here and surprise!'.

I honestly am just holding in a scream! I love it so much! :D This is always what I've wanted to be able to create. What I've wanted from games I play. That level of immersion where it feels not only like you're living in the world and story now, but you have lived there for those other games too and it's noted!


Okay, I'm good. I think I'm calmer now :D Just had to get that out of my system.

I just can't explain how unbelievably amazing it is to create something that you've only ever dreamed about creating. Like, it's all coming together and just YES!

More specifically, I finished N's split scene, finished M's, and am now onto F's! For some reason I have been going out of order more on Book Three. Would always do them A, N, F, and M (then LT and finally friend version is applicable), but I've just planned them all differently this time round!

I'm going to be adding in the edits for chapter two over the weekend, then get in contact with people I hope will test the demo for me. Another step closer to that too! 

Curse of Creek Edge is still on hold but should only be until next week. Can't decide if I should try to finish off the hair colours or just start on the enormous task of expressions. 

So yeah, a seriously good week where I was pumped, and it was just flying out of my fingers, hehe :D


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share M being as charming as always...


"What do you think it is?" I ask, twisting the tube around so as the liquid sloshes about inside the thick glass. The luminous contents are held in only by a tiny cork.

"How the hell would I know? This science stuff is your area of expertise, not mine," ${mason} retorts.


Obviously, that's the version if you have a high science stat! 

Hope you all have the most wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you next week! <3

(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



I love all the details you put in to make our choices matter and each playthrough personal! I feel like every time I play I come across something I had no idea was in the book. It really feels like my MC is part of the world and makes the other characters, especially UB, feel alive and reacting to who my MC is! I recently just finished a replay of my N-mancer and it was not only way different that my other MCs but way different then the last time I played him! (Might actually try to replicate it for my canon run). You have a nice relaxing weekend and give the boys some pats from all of us!


Ahhhhhh! Now you have me screaming alongside you! I've literally just got back from taking my baby brother for a walk in the forest near us, and as I was walking through I couldn't help but think of Wayhaven! Coming back to your excitement is so great 😄 Ooooohhh, Morgan, now I'm even more excited, somehow she has become my favourite, and I was not expecting it at all! Can't say that it's not a pleasant surprise though hehe 💕


Aah, I'm so glad you enjoy it! Your reasons are exactly why I love to put all those details in! Was the N run the one where you got the hostile ending?


Oh, I am seriously envious of your walk in the forest!! Wish there was somewhere near me to do that. Must have been so refreshing!


This is so exciting! Woo! High five! You’re doing great! Oh and M here, I love it.


Your level of commitment to your writing is astounding honestly you're such an inspiration 😭 I'm so glad you're creating content that makes you happy! The quality of your work is incredible I'm so proud of you Mishka 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰 give the ratties a kiss from me 🐀🐀🐀


I admire your drive and productivity! Been busy writing myself but the last few days I've lost all motivation because of the heat here where I live... you're such an inspiration, thank you for all your hard work &lt;3


This is so cool! You're making me want to go back and play Books 1 and 2 again. I'm so excited about all the different different possible variations for Book 3 :D


Yes actually! My N-manner is... well.... nooot great at diplomacy. And I dig the idea of him having a very sudden realization that he can’t snark his way through his issues like he did with Murphy (he did snark his way in Nate’s heart and Mason’s friendship tho, which is nice). It was very jarring to see how mean Falk can be! He was always so nice to my other MCs


These little details are honestly why I love this story so much!!! It is also why I have (lovingly) badgered my friends to play with varying degrees of success lol (I will get them yet). They really help the immersion so much and I notice and appreciate each instance so much!


God, you're so productive! You're an inspiration for my lazy ass lol


I love references to MCs love of science and knowledge of tech because it just reminds me of the irony of my MC being paired with Nate, a major tech avoider :D so excited to play the demo whenever it’s ready!


The heat was intense here too. Think it's sapped a lot of people of their energy! Hope things cool off for you soon!

Asha (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:20:10 My MC's science/tech &amp; deduction/knowledge stats are both 70 so I nerd out with Verda over science and then geek out with Nate over books on supernatural history! MC is gonna teach Nate how to use a phone if it's the last they do! OMG I imagine Nate being all excited that he set his lockscreen himself &amp; it's a pic of you guys together that he likes to look at throughout the day (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
2020-08-23 06:25:56 My MC's science/tech & deduction/knowledge stats are both 70 so I nerd out with Verda over science and then geek out with Nate over books on supernatural history! MC is gonna teach Nate how to use a phone if it's the last they do! OMG I imagine Nate being all excited that he set his lockscreen himself & it's a pic of you guys together that he likes to look at throughout the day (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)

My MC's science/tech & deduction/knowledge stats are both 70 so I nerd out with Verda over science and then geek out with Nate over books on supernatural history! MC is gonna teach Nate how to use a phone if it's the last they do! OMG I imagine Nate being all excited that he set his lockscreen himself & it's a pic of you guys together that he likes to look at throughout the day (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)