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So some of you may have seen that I updated the tiers recently. There's still some more I want to add to those, but this is the first of the extra monthly $10 tier reward!

An Extra Glimpse will be, well, an extra glimpse at the behind-the-scenes, or maybe something sneak peek, or a sketch of things to come or done, on what I'm currently working on!

This month, it's a behind-the-scenes photo for Chapter Three of Book Three!

Hope you enjoy it! :D



Oooooh! I’m looking forward to more of this. I love behind the scenes stuff 🔎👀 And I cant wait to meet Book 3’s Villain


I have such a hard time keeping up with any sort of daily/weekly/monthly scheduled things. So I really admire that not only do you regularly keep up posting content for your fans but you also willingly and enthusiastically add more content when you can. Thank you for all your hard work! And please make sure not to overwork yourself 😊


I'm glad you enjoy it! I love behind the scenes stuff too, so was hoping others might, hehe :D Plus I am so bad at keeping stuff to myself when I'm excited lol!!