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Hi guys!

I just wanted to put a post out there to say I haven't had many replies back about rewards for people becoming patrons.

I really want to get your rewards to you! But I think the issue is my emails seem to be going to people's junk folders A LOT, so they might get missed.

If you've signed up and not received an email from me, check your junk folder, otherwise please don't worry about getting in contact: seraphinitegames@gmail.com

Really want to make sure people aren't missing out! <3

Also, while I'm here, I just wanted to say that there may be some more reward stuff coming up soon-ish...for all tiers and for all those who are already patrons and have been supporting me for agggges (you guys are INCREDIBLE!!), not just those who are new to sign up!  Watch this space... ;D



*vibrates in anticipation*