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Wow, where did May go? :D

It's so weird to think it was just a while ago that Book Two was released! In some ways it feels like just yesterday and in others it's like forever, hehe!

But for Book Three, I got scene 2 of chapter one done! Yay! It was a biggie, but so worth it as I really want Book Three to have a strong opening, especially as it's an opening I've been wanting to write for so many years!

I'm now editing it, rewriting bits, bulking out scenes, and redrafting some stuff. I would normally wait until I finish the whole chapter before doing this, but I'm trying to break up the editing in the same way I'm breaking down the writing. Things are getting so big and complicated now, I think it's kind of necessary. 

I remember the good ol' days of Book One where each chapter seemed so simple, lol.

Scene 3 is up next and I'm actually hoping to get that done quicker as there's no split scenes in that scene *double checks plan* Yeah, no split scenes for the next one!

Oh, also I came up with a SUPER awesome change to a much later chapter while I was on the treadmill earlier this week. It's going to mean I have to rework my plan for that chapter when I get to it, but it's much more and means I can bring in a scene I've been desperate to use for the LIs! So that was cool :D

And oh my word, I Iove love LOVE getting to write the relationship stuff! I mean, I adore the flirting and the build up romance stuff (as is probabaly obvious, hehe), but I've never really got to write the actual 'in a relationship' stuff for romances before and I am just having so much fun with it!

For Creek Edge, slow progress again. Pretty much all of my time has been eaten by Book Three. But hopefully as I get into more of the swing of things again that will ease and I can use my free time for Creek Edge again. Really want to get that back on the go.


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a moment of M and F commenting on the MC's flirtatious methods :D


"Oh, ${mc_she}'s good," ${felix} comments close-by.

From the corner of my eye, I can see ${mason} give an agreeing nod. "If it was me, I'd be naked already."

"You'd be naked if anyone just looked at you the right way," ${felix} scoffs.


Hehe :D This is from a choice, has variation depending on your MC's personality, and only appears on one LI route, so you may not get this depending on those things—as I said, A LOT of variations in this opening.

Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I'll talk to you all on Monday! <3


Silver Fair

I'm guessing N route? Anyway, I love F and M friendship, and I generally love M as a best friend. OMG he's climbing fast the ranks for favorite friend ever :P


isn’t it weird how the best ideas come at such random times?! though all i think about on the treadmill is when i can get off the treadmill 😂😂 also i love f &amp; m’s dynamic!


I'm with you on the treadmill thing, lol! Exercise really isn't me :D But at least it's time to get ideas, hehe!


I love seeing how each girl reacts to flirting they always seem to react perfectly to it!


Hopefully the new writing and editing will make things much smoother lol I can only imagine how work it is to factor in everything! Also F just called M the heck out!


I just got done with my playthrough of the love triangle in book 2 and maaaaaannnn talk about the conflict. Still have my playthroughs to do with Nat and Farah left

Juliana Soares

Yay! I hope the new editing schedule proves to be very productive for you! And the sneak peak was so good, I always love seeing more of M and F interaction. As much as I'd love this dialogue to happen during A's route, I'm betting it is going to be during N's romance.


LOVE the friendship banter! Hoping we get to see even more of it now that MC is closer to the group. Also, very much looking forward to seeing how couples interact in an actual relationship, not just the crushing/flirting stages! I wanna see how Nate and my MC act around the group :)


I think it will definitely be smoother now! Just need to speed up. I love all the variation in it but it slows me down, hehe :D


Aah, I hope you enjoy them! F might be a nice one to do after the intensity of the love triangle, hehe :D


Friendship banter is one of my faves! Even more so now the MC is really part of the team and can get involved with it, hehe :D


Fjkshdndkebd F calling M out! :D I love it. But this is a part we'd see in the demo when it comes out eventually? :D can't wait to find it because this is hilarious.


LOl I love their friendship. I can't wait until everyone figures out whose route this is on and how to get it xD


Just so you know, I love your work and WC. Book 2 was amazing, and I look forward to Book 3. =)

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:21:21 Aah, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it &lt;3
2020-06-01 08:23:10 Aah, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it <3

Aah, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it <3