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Another one of my amazing $50 patrons very kindly and generously said that I could use their personalised scenarios to share with all of you! Thank you so much to them <3

So I thought I would share one that really helped sum up an idea of the friend scenes that might come up in the future.

Obviously this specific one won't come up, but it's nice to give a hint of things to come :D


“Here,” Nat says, pushing a large mug of coffee beneath my nose. 

I hunch over the kitchen table to inhale the bitter but energising scent of it. “Thanks.”

“So…” she begins, settling herself down into the chair opposite. 

I glance up at her. “So what?”

She offers a gentle smile. “What’s wrong?”

I chuckle into my mug as I take a gulp. It burns over my tongue and down my throat. Exactly what I need right now.

I run a hand over my hair while letting out a sigh. “Things are just a lot right now.”

“Things with Ava, you mean.”

I raise a brow at her.

“We’ve been friends for a while now, Will,” she explains. “I know you pretty well, and I know Ava even better.”

I sag a little. “I just don’t understand her. One minute I think we have something, and then the next—”

“She’s cold, distant, and insensitive?”

I scoff. “Exactly.”

Nat leans forward to place a warm hand on my forearm. “You’re that attached to her?”

I grip the handle of the coffee mug so tight that it almost cracks. “I think I’m in love with her.”

It’s not shock or surprise that catches Nat’s expression. Only sympathy.

Which just makes this whole thing a hundred times worse.

“Ava is an amazing woman. You couldn’t find a better person to love…” Her words draw out a little. 

“But?” I ask, sensing a rather big one on the end of that sentence.

Her fingers squeeze at my arm as she gives another comforting smile. “Just don’t give up on her. She deserves that.”

“How can I do that when it doesn’t even seem like she wants me?” I ask. “I’m not going to push her if she doesn’t feel the same.”

“She does,” Nat blurts out in instant reply. “And she knows it. But she’s just—” Her brows pinch together in thought or hesitation. I’m not sure which one.

I purse my lips trying to be patient. 

Nat’s face falls. “She’s scared.”

“Scared?” I almost laugh at the idea of it. “If there’s one thing to be sure of, it’s that Ava isn’t scared of anything.”

“There’s nothing she’s scared of more.” 

I stare at Nat for a moment with a frown. Fear is not something I had even considered in this equation…but it would explain many things.


In the Corridor. Outside of the Kitchen.

Ava blinks her tired eyes as she stares down at the reports. Cajoling them out of Farah is always one of the hardest tasks of the week.

Striding down the hallway, Ava is lost in thought when a familiar voice echoes into the corridor and makes her heart skip in her chest.

Will’s voice wraps around her, edging her closer to the kitchen where the door has been left ajar. She almost walks right in without through until another voice joins the moment.

“I know you pretty well, and I know Ava even better,” Nat says, her words light with amusement.

“I just don’t understand her.” The words draw Ava closer to the door though she doesn’t dare to peek in. “One minute I think we have something, and then the next—”

“She’s cold, distant, and insensitive?”

A sting cuts across Ava’s chest, but she rolls her lips together to keep it away. 

“Exactly,” Will scoffs in reply. Now it’s harder to keep the sting buried.

“You’re that attached to her?”

Silence reigns for a moment. A moment where Ava almost topples through the door in eagerness of hearing the reply.

“I think I’m in love with her.”

Ava’s breath catches in her throat. The hallways spins a little as she sways on the spot, her heart now hammering so hard against her ribs it makes her stumble back a step.

When she finally manages to take a gasp of breath again, she glances down to find she’s gripped the reports in her hand so hard they’ve ripped. 

But for the first time in her life, she doesn’t care.


Hope you enjoyed it  :D



So eager to see something like that in game. And some developpement vetween the MC and A. The suspens is killing me, but i also enjoy it.


Ava being cute.