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But then other choices have N like...

At least it's certain that N is happy M has found someone, no mattet their reaction :D



My shy MC loves the way N steps in (because otherwise they'd melt), but my bold MC must just, like, break them? M and MC won't stop openly flirting, and then there's N in the background begging them to stop being so explicit...


LAWL - that STANK Face. 😂But N - Darling, Sweetie, Honey bunches of oats: You can be *JUST* as bad. You're more subtle with it, but get you alone, and you could Teach M some thangs. haha Love these two's relationship. They're such FRANS. ❤️

Carolyn Williams

I love how just like F, N is an unabashed MC/Friend shipper. But unfortunately for N, M's love is X-rated. "Aww, that's right M, open your heart...no wait, not like that!"


I live for the indecent M interactions that just make N pull a stank face 😂 I also live for the N interactions that just make M want to vomit because we're just such smooshy people 😂

Natasha Foster

I just wanna hug N every time, no matter the situation. ❤️ hahaha


The friendship dynamics/sibling energy of Unit Bravo is just perfection


I love all the moments N is utterly horrified by M's lack of a filter xD Their friendship is so much fun to read!


I just played flirty Mc going for M and I feel so bad for all the people who are trying to be professionals around them like there is no shower cold enough to stop that. Well done Sera!

Lilli H

It's funny you posted the meme with Rosa from B99 because I can totally picture her as Morgan. All she needs is a cigarette. (in my mind) 😂


You know, it was really hard to read M in Book 1. But after Book 2, I have found my footing with M and now adore him as much as the other three. (though I swear, after what you learn about F, I went into momma bear mode for him. xD)