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Good week this week! I wrote over 16,500 words and got a good chunk of scene two of chapter one done. 

There is a lot of variation going into these opening scenes (so much that even I was starting to wonder if it was too much, lol!), but after playing through the scenes to test them, I’m really glad I did the extra work. I think it’ll add much more personalisation and fun to the opening, and I'm already getting excited for you guys to play it!

Plus scene three for chapter one doesn’t need as much variation, so that’ll help ease things after doing so much for this one.

I’m also still really pleased with my coding! I know it’s a weird thing to get happy about, but it’s so much cleaner!! It’s really nice when you work hard practicing something and it really comes together in the main creation :D 

For Creek Edge, I decided I want to redraw one of the main character sprite bases as well as change something in one of the backgrounds. So, I’ll be working on that next while also still working on saving all the sketch hair files ready for testing in the character customisation screen.

Oh man, it’s SO weird going back to Ren’py coding, hehe! Not bad, just odd adapting back into it after being away from it so long. Seriously fun and satisfying to get into the visual aspect of stories again though!


For Update+ this week, I thought I’d share a choice from Mason/Morgan’s scene, just because it’s impossible to resist teasing them sometimes in return :D

#Give a half-smile. "Aw, sunshine. Are you worried for me?"

Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I’ll talk to you next week! <3


(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Clean code is happy code! x) I don't think it's a weird thing to be pleased with at all! :D


Wow, at16,500 words already..You are amazing! Thank you for continuing being a hero.

It's not a moon!

Already can’t wait for more M teasing! 16500 words is an amazing achievement in one week, but sure not to overwork yourself!

Thomas Fieldburn

16,500 is impressive. I can't manage that when I'm trying to write a story.


Getting to call M sunshine again is all I ever wanted~


Sunshine is the perfect pet name for M lol! Also that’s a lot! Make sure to relax and enjoy your weekend a bit!


The 1st time I saw the option to call M 'Sunshine', I was so incredibly Happy. :) Great to see that continues/MC can have a bit of sport as well. On a whole other note: Thank YOU for being a ray of sunshine with these updates and all your hard work. There's so much tragedy going on in the world right now... Nice to know I can always get a smile here. &lt;3 Have a great weekend.


I'm glad the updates and content can help bring a smile. Along with the actual game, I want my spaces to be places where people can come and just relax and enjoy! &lt;3


Wow great work!! Cant wait to see all of it and there is no such thing as too much haha, that just means we can enjoy your work even more. Have a great time relaxing during weekend !!

Héloïse Dotigny

I started to work on a little interactive novel and I am absolutely in awe with your hard work! Thank you for including so many options and little change to the dialogues and stuff like that. I now realize it's so much work and it makes me respect your work so so so so much more than before! I started another route (Ava!) with a completely different detective and it's amazing how the dynamics are different depending on all the choices in the dialogues so thank you so much, again, for your hard work!


loving book 1 and 2 and appreciate all your work, but if i may be greedy for a moment do you happen have an idea of when book 3 would be released or even the demo? lots of love =D