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Busy and hectic week this week!

Silver, one of my rats, got seriously ill last weekend, so I didn't manage to print out the variables and sort that like I'd hoped as he needed constant care. But I managed to sort some of that on Monday instead and on Tuesday I STARTED WRITING BOOK THREE!!!!

Oh man, it's so nice to get back to writing, hehe. I love planning, but the writing is where you can really start bringing the story to life. And I've been with these characters so long now, it feels like going home :D

I've also practised my coding during the planning phase, so I'm hoping Book Three will be much cleaner in that department.

For Creek Edge, I also started on another background. Hoping to get those up together so then I can get back to the spirtes. Backgrounds aren't my favourite, but they can make all the difference to helping immerse people in the scene!

Also, I will be taking a break from social media and internet over Easter until next Thursday. I'll likely still do some work, even though I'm trying to get my headspace back together lol, just because now I've started on Book Three I don't wanna stop! But it'll just mean I can take a bit of a break to get myself back together after the stress of Silver.

In that time I have scheduled a couple of asks to go up at normal time on Tumblr to keep things going, as well as a fun Easter Scenario Special for you guys on Patreon ;D


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share something fluffy to help brighten us all if we need it :)


"Oh, this place looks even better than it did last time," a familiar—and very welcome—voice calls from behind me.

I turn to find Unit Bravo striding through the arch at the entrance to the carnival. The ring of fencing is gone, giving the whole place a more open atmosphere. 

[Redacted] grins at me, slipping [their] hand into mine the moment [they] draw near. [Their] fingers are warm against the biting chill, and I tangle my fingers farther around [theirs] to enjoy the feel.


I hope you all have an amazing Easter weekend, or just an amazing weekend in general if you don't celebrate, and I'll talk to you all next week <3

(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around until next Thursday, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP when I'm back!) 



OMG Book 3 here we go!! Enjoy Easter and the break, you really deserve it :) Also, hope Silver gets better!


The giant goofy smile on my face reading that little snippet.........😊😊😊 Anyway, hope Silver is doing okay!! And I also hope you have a relaxing break 💖


Hope Silver is doing ok Sera! Don't push yourself and just relax and be with your ratties


Enjoy your holiday!


I hope Silver has recovered well! Enjoy your holiday; lots of love to you and your ratties! 💜


Oh no, I hope Silver feels better soon!! You take all the time you need, I hope you have a lovely break and make sure to spoil Silver a little bit! ... BUT ALSO WE GET TO HOLD HANDS?? OH MY GOD I CAN'T WAIT! THATS SO CUTE!!


Is this scene only for a certain RO or for all?