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“So, the idea is simple,” Nat begins, a smile on her face that is almost as bright as the flower crown she’s wearing and the multitude of colourful decorations tethered to the front of the warehouse. “You just need to find the eggs I’ve hidden about the forest, and the person who collects the most is the winner.”

“What does the winner get?” Mason huffs from where he’s leant against the crumbling brick wall in the shade to avoid the beaming spring sunshine. The bunting flapping above him doesn't exactly suit.

“Bragging rights,” Nat replies.

Mason rolls his eyes. “Then count me out.”

She sighs. “And what about the rest of you?”

“Such a task is below my skill set,” Ava says, arms folded but her gaze sliding towards the forest with purpose. “But I wouldn’t want your hard work to go to waste.”

“And you know I’m in!” Felix chimes, already clutching a basket that Nat seems to have spent hours decorating with ribbons and faux grass.

Nat brightens, her brown eyes gleaming with hope. “And you, Detective?”

I eye Ava. “I’m up for it. But only to take some people down a peg.”

“Would you be referring to me, perhaps?” Ava asks, attention now swivelling from the forest to meet my gaze.

I spread my hands. “If the shoe fits…”

She scoffs, arms dropping to her sides. “And what will we wager?”

“How about a month of patrol duty?”

“Guys…” Nat shuffles forward, holding out a basket to each of us. “This is supposed to be fun. Something to build team spirit.”

We don’t listen.

I snatch out to take a basket, wielding it in front of me at Ava. “So? You in?”

Ava grabs her own basket as she stares at me, a ribbon dancing in the breeze. “I accept your challenge—”

“Found them all!” 

Everyone swings around to watch as Felix skips out of the trees, his basket laden with paper mache eggs in a variety of patterns.

He pauses as he notices the open-mouthed stares both Ava and I throw him. “What?”


Hehe! Hope you enjoyed it <3




Omg I love this, I love the banter back and forth between Ava and the Mc. Lol I'm excited to be back on patreon, I've missed your extra bits. &lt;3

Cat B

Oh my goodness, I love F so freaking much, this is so cute!