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So, seeing as Book Two is now getting so much closer, I thought I would share with you the first page after the demo end of Chapter Six!

It's not really spoilery, just thought it might be nice to build some hype :D


A Couple of Days Later in the Early Evening, at My Apartment

It took a little while to file the necessary paperwork with the Agency for the undercover mission—apparently the Agency requires just as many records as the police department—but the day has finally arrived.

My bedroom is washed in shadow as evening begins to fall. Dusk fades into night outside my window as I stare through the panes of glass. Swaths of rich, inky blue coat the sky where there had been, just a few moments ago, a palette of vibrant pinks and oranges.

I shiver at the cold colours of the oncoming night, but the warmth inside my apartment seeps in through my clothing and wraps around me. With darkness almost fully setting in, I make to turn away but pause when a new light bursts to life.

At the very edge of town, small glints of fluorescent colours begin to spark and flash, like flames against the shadow of the trees.

The carnival has awoken.


Hope you enjoyed it! <3



Oh such a tease luv, already knowing we want all these snippets ❤️


I’ve literally had a count down since we found out. My mental health has taken a huge dive, and this book is the only thing giving me serotonin 😭😂💚