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Busy, busy week this week. I love working on two projects, especially as they're so different in structure and medium, but maaannnn...it's a lot of work, lol!

I'm loving bringing these stories together though!

Book Three has pushed on. I'm working on filling in the gaps and expanding any scenes that seem scant or that I have just written 'MORE HERE' in the plans for :D

I'm also planning out more of the choices within the plans. Normally, except for branching decisions, I usually leave choice sets until I come to write. But I think with the amount of variations and things possible now, it will be better for me to have an idea of choices before going into writing. It means more time on planning, but will make writing go smoother.

Came up with some nice scenes, especially for one romance route that needed a bit more hm, fluff, hehe!

Gonna start typing those up into the plans tomorrow for the final draft of the plan. 

For The Curse of Creek Edge, GUI was putting my behind a bit but that's mostly behind me now! I moved onto the CG for the prologue and am about to get that finished. Then I'll try to code it in whilst re-learning Ren'Py coding. 

Next I'll be moving onto the MC sprite customisation. I'm thinking this is what will take up the majority of my time, and why I'll only be able to get the prologue done this month. But it'll be worth it! I always love sprite customisation in games, so I hope you guys will enjoy it too!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a sneak peek of the very first character you'll meet in The Curse of Creek Edge!

She's the handler for all Tactical Agents in the Wayhaven facility!

Hope you like it :D

Have a wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you all next week! <3



The fact that you're making good progress in multiple projects itself is praiseworthy, I'm rather impressed to be honest 😄


The true magic of Wayhaven is that everyone is ridiculously good looking 🤣


Ohhh! It’s exciting to hear all the progress you’re making but make sure not to burn yourself out! Take some time to relax every now and then!


Excited about how all this is coming along and can't wait to experience more of the Wayhaven Universe!! Any updates on book 2's release?


Fair enough, I feel just as excited in anticipation to read em, lol.


Oooooooo she looks so cool. I cant wait for book two to be out! Everyday that passes makes me more excited!

A Customer

Gorgeous. Love her hair!