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Rebecca’s lips twisted into an uncertain grimace, as much as tried to avoid the expression, as she stared over the man in front of her.  

Locks of muddy brown hair curled in front of his hazel eyes so doe-like they resembled a puppy. His full lips were curled up at the sides, the grin reaching those doe eyes so as the sparkled in a way Rebecca didn’t think was at all professional enough for this meeting. And considering he was a detective, he hardly dressed the part in rough jeans with a crinkled blue shirt tucked into the waist…  

Is that a ketchup stain? She huffed out a sigh and tried to straighten the disappointed expression from her face.  

“I can already hear how excited you are to be working together, Becca,” he commented, the wide smile framing each charmingly attempted word.  

She crossed her arms. “It’s Rebecca.”  

“Oh, sorry.” He held up his hands in defence. “Maybe ‘Agent’ would be better?”  

“I think it would.”  

“That was a joke.”  

“Not a very amusing one.”  

He smiled again, bright and genuine, and Rebecca’s heart thumped in her chest in a manner she did not give it permission to.  

“Do you prefer knock-knock jokes? Why did the chicken cross the street? Puns, perhaps. You look a fan of those, am I right?” he asked, sauntering a step closer from where he’d been slouching against the wall and rustling his hands through his hair.  

She tried not to be distracted by the motion, instead clearing her throat. “Your sarcasm is lacking in professionalism.”  

“Your professionalism is lacking in fun,” he quipped.  

They stared at each other for a while, neither being willing to back down, until he threw her a wink and her heart slammed against her ribs.  

She stared away. “Let’s get going.”  

“Lead the way,” he replied, gesturing an arm out. “Agent.”  

Rebecca pursed her lips. 


Okay I have to say a HUGE thank you to one of my $50 patrons for letting me use this scene! It was one of the scenarios they asked for as part of their reward for the $50 tier, and I'd been waiting to write it for soooo long, that they agreed to let me share it with all of you guys too! :D (The father's appearance in this scene are partly based off that Patron's individual MC. It would change depending on everyone's MC).

Aah, I really do love writing these two, and the parallels between A and a charming MC is just too much fun!

Hope you enjoyed it! <3



Love! D'awww - DADDY. YOU ARE MISSED. Really like how this also gives insight to why Rebecca would want a person like F on the team. :D

Montana Jane

Why does that remind me so much of a conversation I imagine A and the detective having? Haha. I love it.